Croffes, and Crucifixes. 219
CroiTes and crucifixes were fo much venerated by thofe who pro- feffed chriftianity that they were pofTefled by every perfon from the prince to the peafant, and thefe were more or lefs ornamented according to the wealth of the pofTelTors. We find them in ca- thedrals, churches, chapels, and oratories, and they even made a part of the drefs of all "ranks of people, who wore them not only as Jymbols of their profeffioii of faith, but as ornaments to their per- fons. We alfb find this badge of chriftianity on armour, weapons, and houfehold furniture; the private chapels and oratories of princes and nobles were furnifhed w r ith crucifixes, many of which were richly ornamented with pearls and precious ftones. A few extracts from the inventory of the jewels, plate, &c. of king Edward the Vlth [a], may not be improper. CRUCIFIXES OF GOLD. "Item, one crucifix of golde Handing uppon five pillars with foure pynacles and four perles, the bafe fett with an emerade, a faphire, twoo dyamountes fett in twoo troches with iiij perles in a troche, and in the fame bafe xlj troches or tuftes, whereof vtj be fett with V counterfett ftones or glafles, and xlvj garnilhing perles, vi white hartes upon the bafe with crownes, twoo hoole cheynes, and twoo peces of chaynes of golde aboute theyr neckes, and Ixxvj fmall perles upon the harts heddes, and amonges the hartes v bufhes and xxj fmail perles, and an image of our Ladie of Pitte fett with a light faphire ; vKj ftones or glafTes of no value, and xxxij fmall perles and an image of St. John Baptift fett with a light faphire ; jx glailes or ftones, and xxxij perles within the pinacles, and within and upon the pynacles xxxij fmall perles ; twoo angells holding a ballace gar- nimed with xvj fmall perles, and all uppon bothe fides, and uppon [a] The original is now preferved in the Library of this Society. F f 2, the