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2,60 Able Mann's Account of

4. Roman College. This was originally founded at Rome by the Saxon king Ina, in> the year 718, for a hofpital for Englifh pilgrims; but by a bull of pope Gregory the XIHth, dated May the 24th, 1578^. it was turned into a college for the education of Englifh clergy. It had fcarce been a year in the hands of the fecular clergy,, when the direction of it was given to the Jefuits, in whofe hands it remained till the extinction of their Society in 1773. But at all times thofe who were educated in it were obliged to- remain in the flate of fecular clergy. The revenues of this col- lege, which ftill fubfifls at Rome, are about . 1500 flerling a year. 5. College at Valladolid. This eftablifhment was obtained by the felicitations of father Robert Parfons the Jefuit, and was completed in May 1589 for. the education of fecular clergy, but under the direction of the Jefuits, as it remained till the expulfion of their Society out of Spain. Since then it was put into the hands of clergy from Douay College. The yearly revenues obtained from the. court of Spain by father Pasfons for this college, amounted in-, the year 1605 to 4000 crowns. 6, 7. Colleges at Madrid and Seville.. Thefe were eftablifhed, for the education of fecular clergy, about the fame time, and by the fame means, as that of Yalladolid ; but being fmall, and their revenues very precarious, they never made any considerable appearance, and at laft fell to nothing. 8. Si. Omers College. This was eftablifhed in the year 1-594, by the zeal and mduftry of father Parfons, and it continued to be the principal eitablifh- ment

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