Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the
knife, and forcke, and them to place upon the table in dewe order, with the breade at the salte, and then to cover the breade, with a fynne square clouth of cambricke, called a coverpaine (which is to bee taken of, the meate beinge placede on the table, and the lorde sett) by the carver and deliverede to the pantler.
The Yeoman of the Butterie.
Hee is to receave all beare from the bruer, and to see it well and safelie stopte, with claye and bay-salte, and to see that the caske bee safe, and tithe from leakinge, and is to make choice of one tunne at the least, for the lorde himself, forth of everie bruinge, and that for him not to be drawne much paste the mide barre: hee is to avoid carousinge, and to keepe his office private to himselfe, and to call the bruer to assiste him in tyme of neede, as when there bee stranngers or otherwise.
The Yeoman of the Wardrobes.
Hee is to receave his chardge from the stewarde, or comptroller, vidz. the furniture of all the chambers, in the house, as they bee furnishede, and whatsoever ells is in the warderobe, and all these things to keepe well, and fee there bee noe defectes in any of them, but to bee presentlie amendede, unlesse it bee joyners woorke, as tables, stooles, bedsteedes, etc. which hee is to cause a joyner to mende; and to see there bee necessaries in store, for the mendinge of any faultes may happen, as silk, and thredde, of sundrie collers, cords and gerth webb, and to see the chambers and all necessaries belonging to them, bee sweet and neatlie kepte, and for ordinarie chambers for servanntes, to apointe in his owne discretion. Hee isto