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Englifh Convents, &c. on the Continent. 37 1

55. Poor-Clares at Aire In Artois. This community of contemplative women, was eftablifhed. about the year 1660, by fome nuns from Gravelines, under the di- rection of the Englifh Recollects of Douay. It fell like the reft in 1793. . 36. Ben&diffine Nuns at Dunkirk. Thefe religious ladies were eftablifhed in 1662, by lady Mary Caryll (who w T as their firft abbefs) and eleven aflbciates, all profeffed nuns of the Englifh monaftery at Ghent ; but the eftabliihment being made, five of thefe returned back to Ghent, and two others of them went to Ipres to begin a like foundation there in 166$. This laft afterwards became wholly compofed of Irifh Benedictine nuns, part of whom, in the reign of king James the Ilnd, went over to Dublin ; the reft remain- ed at Ipres till the French invaiion in 1794, when they fled'. The Englifh monaftery at Dunkirk had formerly coniider- able funds, but a great part of them were loft in the Miflifippi bubble in 1720. The nuns, befides their regular duties, were employed in the education of young ladies. 37. Dominican Nuns in Brujfels. . Thefe religious women were eftabliflied in 1690, in a large old houfe in BrufTels, called the Spelkkens, having a large garden annexed V> it. About the year 1777 their houfe threatening ruin, they built, in the upper part of their garden, a handfome new convent and church. They were not originally employ- ed in the education of young perfbns of their fex ; but the edicts of 'the emperor Jofeph II. in 1782, portending fuppref- fion to all the convents of nuns that were -not fo employed, thefe

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