Arrowes, viz.
Lyvery arrowes with 75 shefe decaied 192 shefe
Of Slurbow arowes 47 decaied.
Slurbowe arrowes with fierwoorks 605.
Arrowes for fierwoorkes decaied 75.
Arrowes for fierwoorkes 16 shefe 3 arrowes.
Muskett arrowes 13 shefe 13 arr.
Longe bowe arrowes with fier woorkes 109 shefe 4 arr.
Brasers 38.
Shooting Gloves 156.
Muskett arrowes 983 shef. 6 arr."
"At the Shippes in Harborowe, viz.
A table should appear at this position in the text. See Help:Table for formatting instructions. |
Bowes 233
Slurbowes 10
Crosbowes 2
Bowstringes 17 doz. 4 stringes.
Lyvery arrowes 423 hef.
Bracers 38
Shooting Gloves 156
Crosbowe arrowes 500 decaied.
Slurbowe arrowes with fierwoorkes 184. inde 19 without fierwoorks.
Longebowe arrowes with fierwoorks 4 shef. I arr.
Muskett arrowes 24 shef. 10 arr. inde 2 shef. dec."
"At the Shippes at Seas, viz.
A table should appear at this position in the text. See Help:Table for formatting instructions. |
Bowes 214
Slurbowes 10
Crosbowes 4Bowstrings