554 Able Mann's Account of
IV. Carthupan Monks. The monaftery of Shene near Richmond in Surry, founded by king Henry the Vth in 1416 ; retired to Bruges in 1559 ; next to Louvain in 1578 ; then to Mechlen in 1591 ; and finally fettled at Nieuport in Flanders 162,6, till their fuppreffion in '. tfe' : tttfx-'i't> V. Brigittine Nuns. They were founded at Sion, in Middlefex ; and in 1559 left England, and afterwards retired to Lifbon, where they ftill re- main, VI. Women of the Order of St. Augiifiin. 1 . A priory of canonefles of St. Auflin, eftablimed at Louvain in the year 1609. f 2. A priory of the fame at Bruges in 1629. 3. Another at Paris in 1633. 4. A convent of canonefles of the holy fepulchre at Liege. VII. Dominican Friers. i . A convent of Dominicans at Bornhem on the Scheld, between Ghent and Antwerp, 1658. -2. A college of Dominicans in Louvain, dependent on the con- vent of Bornhem. Women. 3. A convent of Dominican nuns at BmiTels, eftablifhed in 1690. VIII. Francifcan Friers. I. 4 convent of Englifli recolledls, founded in Douay 1617. Women