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on Defence againft Invtifion*

man's direction, which breedeth oftentimes great difliking and murmur. Orders for the provision and guard of the beacons. Firft, that the beacons be provided of good matter and ftuff, as well for the fudden kindling of the fires, as alfo for the continuance thereof. That the beacons and watch-places appointed to give warning to the country of the landing or invafion of the enemy, be fub- ftantially guarded with a fufficient company, whereof one principall perfon of good difcretion to have the chief charge at all times of every beacon* That the beacons that are next to the fea fide, and are appoint- ed to give warning firft, may be very fufficiently guarded as well with horfemen as footmen, whereof fome difcreet foldier, or man of judgment, to have the chief charge, (as hath been faid before) who-muft be very refpeclive and carefull, that he give not any alarm upon light matter or occafion, nothing being more danger- ous than falfe alarms to breed a contempt and fecurity. Your horfemen muft be ready to give warning to the other beacons in the country, left by weather they may be prevented, that they can- not kindle fire, or elfe the enemy may hinder them, or extinguish the fire newly kindled, before the other beacons can take know- ledge thereof. For it is always to be feared, that the enemy will feek by all means and policy to furprife the beacons that are next to the fea fide, and mould give firft intelligence unto the country, but alfo to furprife fuch as are appointed. to guard them^ if their watchfulnefs prevent them not. . Other neceffary notes to be obferved.. That there may be order taken to have aftore of powder, match, bullets ready caft, moulds of divers bores, charges, bo wftrings, ihooting gloves, war braces, and fuch other necefTaries fit to be ufed at that time, whereof I doubt me. whether: the whole (hire be able to

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