Englifh Convents, &V. on the Continent. 353
3. The college at Liege, eftablifhed 1616; turned into an aca- demy for youth 1773. 4. The profefled houfe of Jefuits at Ghent, 1 663 ; fuppreffed I 773- Befides thefe, the- Jefuits had the direction of the Roman col- lege, and of the three feminaries in Spain ; they had alfo houfes of miffionaries in Maryland. JefulteJJes eftablifhed at St. Omer's 1608; removed to Liege and foon after to Munich. III. Benedifttnes -, Men. 1. The abbey of Lamfpring, in the bifhoprick of Hildefheim, four leagues fouth of the city of that name. 2. The priory at Douay, given them by the abbey of St. Vaaft in 1604. 3. The priory of Dieulwart in Lorraine, 1606. 4. The priory of St. Malo's, 1611 ; removed to Paris 164^. . Schools for youth at La Celle in Brie, dependent upon the priory at Paris. Women. 1. Abbey at Bruflels, eftablimed in the year 1598. 2. Abbey at Cambray, in 1653. 3. Abbey at Ghent, 1624. 4. Abbey at Paris, 1651. 5. Abbey at Pontoife, 165 2,. 6. Abbey at Dunkirk, 1663. 7. Abbey at Ipres, a filiation from that of Ghent in 1665 ; given over to Irifh nuns, part whereof went to Dublin in 1 685 or 1686; the reft remained at Ipres till 1794. IV. Car-