XIII. Copy of a Manufcript in the Britijh Museum,
( HarL MSS. 6844., fcl. 49} entitled, " An Expe- dient or Meanes in Want of Money to Pay the Sea and Land Forces, or as many of them as mail be thought expedient without Money in this Year of an almoft Univerfal Povertie of the Englifli Na- tion." By Fabian Philipps. Communicated by the, Rev. Samuel Ayfcough, F. A. S. Read March 9, 1797. QUEEN Elizabeth, in her great want of money in the wars of Ireland to pay the army, did, by the advice of as prudent a council as any prince in chriftendom ever had, caufe fome brafs money to be coyned and made current for her prefent occailons, upon her royal promife to give thofe which mould receive it good money of gold or lilver, fome years after which king James, her fucceflbr, did juftly caufe to be performed. [MS. of an account given by Robert Cecill, earl of Salisbury, lord trcafurer of England to tile parliament in the raigne of king James.] By as politique a councell the late king of Spain, and his father Philip the Hid, caufed the like to be done by their black mo- nyes, or maravedies, only made to fatisfy the neceilities of their people, whilft they expended their Indian mynes and vaft riches and treafure of gold and filvcr in the fubduing the Nctherland rebells, VOL. XIII. B b and