Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the
for the lorde or ladies saddell, by themselves, coatch horsse or mares, by themselves, the litter horse by themselves, the travelinge geldinges, for servanntes, by themselves, thus sortede, then saddells and furniture by him is to bee provided, and likewise for the furniture of the coatch or litter, with horsses and furniture fitte for the same.
Hee is to give the yeoman of the horsse chardge of all these above saide, by inventorie under his hannde, and so the yeoman to stande chardgede under him and by him.
Hee is to knowe of the stewarde of housholde what haye, litter, provinder, or pasture, shall bee providede for those horsses, and whome to bee callede on, for the same, as tyme shall require.
Hee is to directe the yeoman of the horse, that they bee allwayes well shodde, and if any channce to bee sicke or sore, that the farrior bee presentlie to take the cure of them.
Hee is to buye all such horsses, geldinges, and mares, so well for the lordes saddell, as for the stoode, and to receave mony of the stewarde for the same; and for all stoode mares to knowe and conferre with the stewarde, what place and grounde is most meete for them, for the better preservacon of his lordes breede.
Hee is to attende his lorde taking horsse, to helpe him up and downe, and to bee allwayes neare his personne, so lonnge as hee is on horsse backe, and to fee his lordes spare horsse bee ever neare and reddie uppon call, likewise to see the footemen bee reddie to attende on eather side.
Hee is to keepe a note in a booke when everie mare is coverede, and with what horsse, and that they bee carefullie looked unto before they foale and after.
Hee is to see all the horsses and mares under his chardge to bee well lookede unto, and that there bee so littell waste, as maye bee committede, for the yeoman allwayes and the gromesbee