Royal Society at Got- The Thirteenth Volume of their Tranfaclions, tingen. 410 1799. Dr. Benj. S-iiith, by the New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Na- Rigjht. Hon. Sir J(,- tions of America, Philadelphia, 1798, 8vo. feph Banks Sparke's Hiftorias Anglicanae Scriptores varii, folio, London, i~-3. Introduction and Indexes to the. Second Volume of the Sepulc n .u.ucnts, larg- folio. Sir Henry Charles En- A Call from the Bronze Head of Minerva, dif- coveied at Bath leverai years ago. Old Picture repielemin^ the Gieat Fire of Lon- don. George Chalmers, Efq. His Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakcfpeare Papers, London, 1799, 8vo. A curious original Proclamation, Temp. Eliza- bethan. His Propofal for reftoring the Antient Conftitution of the Mint, i-i/9> 8vo. Tho. James Matthias, New Edition of his Odes, Englifti and Latin* >7v8, * vo. " t mundi Figrclii de Statuis, Holmke, 1656, 8vo. Medical Society of Lon- The Fifth Volume of their Memoirs, 1799, 8vo. don. Mr, Edmund Fry. A Copy of his Pantographia, 1799, large oftavo. Managers of the Royal Their Profpectus, 8vo. Inftitution of Great Britain. John Chamberlaine,Efq. Engraved Portraits of Hans Holbein and his Wife.. The Two Firft Volumes of Cambrian Regifter for 1795, 1796, 8vo. Nos. I. II. III. and IV. of his Indian Antiquities. Odes of Anacreon on a Vellum Roll. Engraving by him of the infide of the Middle Temple Hall. George Chalmers, Efq. Appendix by him to his Supplemental Apology,, 1800, 8vo. Sharon Turner, Efq. His Hiftory of the Anglo Saxons, 1799, 8vo. Mr. Jofiah Taylor. Eflays on Gothic Architecture. London, 1800,, 8vo. T. Garnett, M. D. His Tour through the Highlands, a vols. 410. London, 1800. Johm i James BindL-y, Efq. Richard Gough, Efq. glefield, Bart. V. P. The fame. Francis Douce, Efq. Rev. Mr. Ruding. Efq. Rev. Charles Turnor. ^ John Symrrions, Efq. Thomas Dajiiell, Efq. Matthew Smith, Efq. Mr. J. P. Malcolm.