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tlemen in the parties aforesaide, wherby he maye make unto us a true and parfecte regestre and recorde of the same, and further to doo, execute, and exercise, within the said p~vince, all other thinges whiche by lawe or custume have app~teyned to the jurisdiccion, power, and office of armes, accordynge to the lawes of the same. Willinge, therefore, and requiring vow and ev~y of yow not only to be aydyng and assiftyng to our said officer in the execution of thies p~sentes, but also withe all gentlenes and curtesey to use and entreate hym as to the dignitie of the office app~teynethe. In witnes wherof we have caused thies our l~res to be made patentes. Witnessinge our selfe at Leighes the nynethe daye of June in the fourthe yere of our reign.

Farther Extracts from an Original Manuscript in the Possession of Dr.
Leith. (See p. 27 of this Volume.)

Read May 12, 1796.

"At the Tower of London., viz.

Bowes with ccciiij vi decaied 8185

Bowstaves 6019 inde 938 unservic.

Wreckes of Bowestaves 983

Slurbowes 15 inde 1 lacks a bender.

Crosbowes 180 inde 1 lacks a tiller.

Bowstringes 196 gros—10 doz.

Arrowes, viz.

Lyvery arrowes 14125 shefe, whereof 731 shefe to be repayred, and 30 shefe decaied. Slurbowe

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