on Defence agalnft Invqfion. ijj
fea fide at the leaft for the footmen to gather themfelves together, to the intent you may the better fort your men, put them in a rea- dinefs, and confult what is meeteft to be done, which you iliall hardly be able to do, if your place of aflembly be within view or near unto the enemy, who will by all means feek to attempt you in your diforderly afTemblies. Moreover, if fear once take your men, or that they be amazed if you had as fkilful leaders as the earth doth bear, they fhould not be able to difpofe or reduce them into fuch order and form, as they would ; neither will the enemy give you time to deliberate what is beft to be done, but that you muft either diforderly fight, or more diforderly run away. And above all things I efpecially advife to fhun that old and barbarous cuftom of running confufedly to the fea fide, thinking thereby to prevent the landing of the enemy, or at lead to annoy them greatly, which you will never do ; for be it upon an invafion, you may be fure that there is no prince will undertake fo great an enterprize but he will be fure to have fuch a number of boats, gallies, and other fmall veffels of draught as he will be able to land at one time two or three thoufand men ; which boats fhall be fo well appoint- ed with bafles, and other mot befides, the gallies fcouring the more with great ordnance, as they will be fure to make way for their quiet landing. And for mine own part I much doubt whether you ihall have in two or three days after the firing of the beacons fuch a fufficient number as with wifdom and difcretion were fit to deal or venture a fight with fo many men as they will land in an hour, for any thing that ever I could yet fee in the country's readinefs at the firing of the beacons. If the enemy doth intend but to land, and burn fome houfes or villages near to the fea coafts, for the pre- vention thereof, as much as may be, it were good to appoint thofe that dwell within two or three miles of the fea fide to repair thi- ther to make refiftance, and for their fuccour you may appoint the VOL. XIIT. A a horfemen