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PRESENTS TO THE SOCIETY. KT Mr. John Nichols. The Dilettanti Society. Andrew Stuart, Efq. George Allan, Efq. of Dailington Co. Dur- ham. Dr. Lettfom. Nath. Atchefon, Efq. The Right Hon. Sir Rich. Worfley, Bart. The Earl of Hardwicke. Rev. Dr. Fly. Right Hon. Lord Fred. Campell. Mr, Charles Clarke. Rev. Dr. Wbitfeld. Hon. Robert Clifford. Nath. Atchefon, Efq. Mr. Edmund Fry. The Duke of Portland. Rev. John Homfray. The Earl of Fife. A Lift of the Society of Antiquaries of London from 1717 to 1796 in Chronological and Al- phabetical Order, 179^, 410. Their Second Volume of the Antiquities of Ionia, folio. His Genealogical Hiftory of the Stuarts, 1798. 4to. Twenty- fix Volumes in Quarto of MSS. relating chiefly to the Univerfity of Oxford, extracted from the feveral Public Libraries there, by William Smich, formerly Fellow of Univ. Coll. and Reftor of Melfonby, Yorkfhire, &c. &c. &c. Hints defigned to Promote Beneficence, Tejn- perance, and Medical Science, Vol. I. London, 1797, 8vo. Three engraved Views of Sunderland Bridge. His Mufeum Worfleyanum, in 2 vols. folio. Athenian Letters, a new edition, 2 vols. 410. 1798. Two Sermons by him ; one preached Feb. 2K, 1794, the other October 7, 1798, at the Pa- rifh Church of Trinity in the Minories, 8vo. An Index of Scottifh Charters, Edinburgh, 1798, 4to. Fac Simile of a moft curious Scottifh Record, thin folio. Obfervations on the intended Tunnel beneath the Thames, 1799, 4to. Sermon preached by him at St. Paul's, June 7, 1798, 410. His Tranflation of Abbe Barruel's Hiftory of Ja- cobinifm, 4 vols. 8vo. 1798. An engraved Portrait of Mr. Samuel More. Antient Bronze ^Eolipile. A Report on the Union between England and Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo. Etching of,a Portrait of Henry VII; by the Rev. Mr. Crowe. His Lordmip's printed Catalogue of Portraits, Pictures, Coins, and Medals, in his PofTeffion, 1798. Royal