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Abbe Mann's Account of

25. Benedifline Nuns in Ghent. This abbey was eftablifhed in the year 1624 by lady Lucy Knstch- bull and three other profefled nuns of the monaftery at BrufTels. The education of young perfbns of their own fex made part ofT the employment of thefe religious women, till their flight out of the country on the approach of the French army in 1794. -08. 26. Augiiftine Nuns m Bmger. This priory of regular canonefles of St. AufHn was creeled in the year 1639, by Mrs. Frances Stanford and eight more profeffed nuns of the Englifh monaftery of the fame order in L/ouvain. The education of young ladies was part of their occupation. Their church, rebuilt by a lady Lucy Herbert, priorefs of the- houfe, was beautiful but fmall. Thefe nuns fled, like all the: reft, on the approach of the French in 1 794. i're wJttjkii'/w ibii ^IT .orli 27. Aupuftine Nuns in Pans. ' &J * - This houfe was ellablimed in 1 633, by lady Letitia Maria Tred- way, canonefs-regular of the noble abbey of Notre Dame de Beaulieu in Douay, and by the affiftance of Mr. Miles Canv alias Pickney, proclor of Douay college. It was governed by a priorefs, and the nuns were employed in the education of young ladies, betides the religious duties incumbent on them: as canonefFes- regular. This community fubfifted till 1795,. when the French revolution put an end to it. . Poor- Clares at Rouen* This convent of religious women of the flricleft reform of the order of St. Francis, by fome called Colletines, was begun ia 1648, by Mrs. Mary Taylor and fourteen aflbciates, alf pro- 4 fefled

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