Croffes, and Crucifixes.
There is a famous ftone crofs near Lundoris in Fifefliire, which Camden fays was placed as a boundary between the diftricts of b'ife and Strathern, with old barbarous verfes upon it ; it was alfo a place of fanctuary [q]. Stone pillars or croiTes, as they were called, were creeled on va- rious occafions, as to record the memory of any remarkable event, near the place where a battle had been fought, or over the per- ibns flain therein. Some remarkable ftone pillars are to be feen at Aberlemni in tlie county of Angus, faid to have been creeled in memory of victories gained over the Danes ; thefe are engraven in Mr. Pennant's Tour in Scotland" 1 775, p. 106, 304. In the grounds at Belmont, a feat of the Hon. Stuart Mackenzie near Dundee, is a lofty erect ftone, faid to have been raifed over young Siward, fon of the earl of Nor- thumberland, who was flain in a battle with the ufurper Macbeth in 1055 or 1056. There was a crofs called Neville's Crofs near Dur- ham, erected to perpetuate the victory over David Bruce, king of Scotland, where that king was taken prifoner on the 1 7th of Oc- tober 1346. In 1589 this monument was broken down in the night, but it is defcribed by Mr. Gough in his edition of Camden, Vol.1, p. 120. A crofs was erected at Blore Heath in Staffordshire after a bloody battle there in 1459, where lord Audley, who com- manded on the fide of the houfe of Lancafter, was defeated and flain. This monument being decayed was repaired in 1765. CrofTes were frequently placed on the fpot where any fmgular inftance of* God's mercy had been mewn, or where a perfon had been murdered by robbers, or had met with any violent death. They were alfo erected where the corpfe of any great perfon refted [^] Camden's Britannia, Vol. II. p. 1236. as