Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.
draughte cattell and horsse from grasse into the house, I meane before any greate or lying stormes begine, the stronnger and better able those cattell wil bee to doe theire woorke after Christmas when plowinge and sowinge then cometh in seasone.
In these monthes is best to provide for flitches of bacon and lardes of store for the whole yeares provision followinge, and such flitches to bee well dried and so saflie laide up, the larde to be preservide in pickell or otherwise, at the difcretion of the cooke or larderman.
In these monthes is good to fell all such woode as is fittinge for bruse, eather for deare or cattell, and so to continue till Marche or Aprill, that then such woode so cut downe may bee faggotted for the provision of the house.
In these monthes is good to thrashe forth cornne after it hath hade a good sweate in the mowe and so dried againe, and such strawe is to bee given to the draughte oxen and cattell at the standaxe or the barnedores for sparinge of haye, for such strawe must, alwayes bee fresh, and newe threshed everie daye or other day, and so given to the cattell."
These fewe notes within written I have thought good to sett doune for the better understandinge of such as have not bine acquanted therwith, though to moste good husbands, with many other secrets, they bee better knowne then I ether cann or will take upon me to express. 1606"."