XXX. Copy of an Original Manuscript, entitled, "A Breviate touching the Order and Governments of a Nobleman's House, &c." Communicated by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K.B. P.R.S and F.S.A.[1]
Read March 27, 1800.
The Office of a Stewarde.
FIRST, the stewarde of houshould is to make all sorraine provisions whatsoever, and to see them brought into the hous and then to acquainte the comptroller therewith, as his chardge.
Hee is further to see what demeanes of his lordes is most meete to bee taken into his hanndes so well for meddowe, pasture, as earable, and those to bee imployed to his lordes best proffitte.
Hee is alsoe to make choice of such baliefes of husbandrie for his lordes proffitte, as shall bee able to buye and sell with good discretione.
Hee is likewise to disburse to the saide bailiefes, all such sommes of monnye, as is to bee bestowede, as well to buye cornne, as cattell, and sheepe, and to derect such groundes, for these cattell and sheepe bought, as by his discretione shal bee thought meete, and the saide cornne to bee deliverede to the yeoman of the garner, whoe
- ↑ This MS. was purchased by Sir Joseph at the sale of the late Marquis of Donegall's Library.