Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c. 355
These Fishe bee now in seasone.
Linge Sturgeon Sealump Soles Conger Chevin Meads Shade Roches Pike Rochetts Lobsters Habberdine Turbott Whitings Smelts Brett Barbell Dory Mullett Rudds Breame Goodions Crevices Codde Thornbak Place Haddocke Gurnard Eales Dace Macarell Pearches Tenches Troute Crabbs
Milke Butter Creame Eggs Salletts of Store.
The firste Course.
Capon bo. Veale bo. Birdes bo. Rabbetts bo. Neatstong bo. Lambe bo. Beefe ro. Veale ro. Pigg ro. Minsed Pie Green Goose Storcke
Shoveler Venesone ro. Gull ro. Egreate ro. Brewe ro. Custarde Herone ro. Turkie Hare ro. Caponn Fallodear
The seconde Course.
Lambe ro. Phesant Bitter Rabbetts Pidgeons Chickins Partreges Pidgeons ba. Dotterell Kennices Godwite Knotts Quales Pevetts Growce Martine Larckes Tarte Red Deare ba.