Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.
Hee is alsoe to deliver a perfect rentall or booke to the receavour gennerall, signed under his hannde, whereby hee maye bee the better able, to receave his dewe receiptes, and the receavour no further to bee chardged by the saide surveyour, eather by booke or rentall.
Hee is to take by his office a secreate survey of all his lordes lanndes, where any commoditie, or proffitt may accrue, or growe unto his lorde, and to looke into all perticular farmes, so well in lease, as out of lease, where by his knowledge, the lorde may make his commoditie or proffitts thereof, as occasione shall arise from tyme to tyme.
Hee is likewise to give notice to his lorde and his officers what commodities maye arise, and by perticular howe; if any such thinge bee founde within his survey, as by woodesales, quarrells of stonne, or slayte, or mynnes of leade, copper, or tynne, or title of gaine whatsoever, that order may bee taken therein, at the audite, for the better commoditie and proffitte to the lordes use.
Hee is alsoe to attende the audite to present there before the auditor and other officers, any further commoditie that maye arise to his lorde, whereby warrannte maye bee there grauntede in that place, that such warrannte may bee the nexte audite after called for, to see what bennifitte is made therby to the lordes use.
Hee is to make rentalls out of his booke of survey, and those to bee signed under his hannde, and delivered to the balieffes, to whome they severallie doe belonge, the better hee shal bee able to chardge the saide bailefes at the audite touchinge theire accomptes.
The Office of a Receavore.
The receavore is to receave from the surveyour a booke of the rentes of all manners, lordshipps, demeanes, hamelettes, farmes, orany