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Books, covers of, ornamented with crucifixes, jewels, and precious ftones 220, 221 Bornhem in Flanders, Englifh Convent of Dominican Friars there 2 70 Bowing Hones, what 21 1 Brand, Rev. Mr. his account of infcriptions difcovered on the walls of an apartment in the Tower of London 68 99 his explanation of a feal of Netley Abbey .. . his explanation of a feal of the Ab- bey of Lundores in Scotland 196 198 Brett, a name for Turbot 387 Brian, Alexander 86 Brick buildings, antiquity of 113 Brigittine Nuns, Englifli Convent of efta- blifhed at Lifbon 258 Bromley, St. Thomas 78 Brue, a bird 385 Bruges, Englifla Convent of Auguftine Nuns 268 - - Englifli Convent of Nuns of the third order of St. Francis at 266 Bruffels, Convent of Englifli Benedidline Nuns at 261 -- Convent of Englifli Dominican Nuns at 271, 272 Buhner, Ralph, prifoner in the Tower of London 97 Buflard, mode of making it palatable 384 Calcot Barn, date of 121 Cambray, Convent of Englifli Benedidline Nuns in 267 Camp, reputed Roman, near Dorften in Weflphalia, account of 2 5 Campion, Edmund 85, 86 Canoneffes of the Holy Sepulchre at Liege 2 73 Carew, Sir George jco Carmelites, Englifli at Antwerp 573 Carmes, difcalced at Tongres 272 Carnarvon, Robert, earl of, reiides in the pa- rifli of St. Bennet's, Paul's Wharf 276 - William, earl of 275, 276 Carthufians, Englifli Convent of eftablifhed on the Continent . 255 257 Catholics, Englifli Seminaries of in Paris 261 , at Efquer-Chin 272 Catore, charge of 339 Celle en brie, an Englifli Convent in the diocefe of Meaux 265 Chamber, a fpecies of ordnance 29 Chardry, an Anglo-Norman poet, differta- tion on his life and works 234236 . Charles II. a medal ftruck on his birth, de- fcription of 20 22 Clarence, George, Duke of 17, 18, 74 Clarke, Thomas, prifoner in the Tower 83 Clay, John 12 Clerk of the kitchen, office of 328 Cobham, Thomas, prifoner in the Tower 83 Cocideus, a local Roman deity 402 ; altar dedicated to him ibid. ^ " Coin debafed by authority 188 Co vw current fubftitutes for 186, 187 a -- of Charles the firft, defcription of 7 Colchefler, ancient date at 142 Coleper, family of 108,109 Colleges of Englifli Catholics at Douay 259 ; Rome, Valladolid, Madrid, Seville, and' St. Omer's 260 ; Lifbon 267 Colleton, or Collington, John, prifoner in the Tower 85, 86 Combe, Mr. his obfervations on a Greek fe- pulchral monument in the pofTeflion of Dr. Garthfliore 280289 Comptroller, office of a 317, 318 Conceptionift Nuns in Paris 270 Cooke, Dr. prifoner in the Tower of Lon- don 7 1 Cookes, office of the 335 33^ Correa de Serra, Mr. his letter refpedting the eflablifliment of the Brigittine Nuns at Lifbon 258, 259 Cofyn, Edward 75, 76 Coxe, Mr. exhibits an ancient Egyptian en- graved copper plate 408; his conjectures concerning it 408, 409 Crane, Mr. corrects errors in the ninth vo- lume of the Archaeologia 45> 406 Crevices 387 Crofs at Lundoris 215; at Bloreheath ihid at St. Clement's, near Truro 217; near Caflle Dor bld at Madern ibid; near Margam

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