DiJJertation on tlie "Lives and Works
the tliirteenth century ; fmce to inflru<fl all ranks of this nation in the moft important truths of the gofpel, one, of the moft merito- rious pontiffs of England, has recourfe to this language, in order to unfold them. The poem of the bimop of Lincoln is to be found at the Britifh Mufeum. Bibl. Reg. 50 B. XIV. and Bibl. Harleian, N 1 121. A work entitled Manuel des Peches is alfo attributed to this au- thor; but as I have never feen it, I cannot fay, whether it is in profe, or in verfe. The Englifh biographers do not feem, to me, to be better informed on this head. As this work, however, has been tranflated into Englilh verfe, at the end of the thirteenth century, by Robert de Brune, we may prefume that it was originally com- pofed in French verfe by Robert GrorTe-Ttte. The author of the catalogue of the Harleian Library afTerts, that this work of the bi- fhop of Lincoln was to be found at N 273 of this library, where, I allow, we find a certain Manuel in French verfe : but it is the work of William of Wadington, and not that of Robert GroiTe- Tete. DENIS PYRAMUS. Denis Pyramus lived in the reign of Henry the Hid. He fpeaks to us of Marie, as of a writer, that lived in his time ; and as we have proved, that this celebrated woman flourimed under this mo- narch, we are by the fame means certain of the century in which Pyramus wrote. This poet pafled a great part of his life at the court of Henry the Hid, and in thofe of the Englifli barons. By his account French poetry was much in requeft among them ; romances, tales, fables, and fongs in this language, were the delight of thefe courts ; and to fatisfy their tafte, Denis Pyramus dedicated his talents to write for