1 6-5 Additional Remarks on the
I 357- J nn Kingftone printed " The Whetftonc of Witte, or a fecond part of Arithmetike compiled by Recorde," and which he dedicated to the Governors, Confulles, and the refte of the corn- panic of Venturers into Mufcovia. A. 1562, was firft publifhed, for there have been feveral editions of the treatife, " The Well Sprynge of Sciences, which teacheth the perfect Woorke and Pra&ife of Arithmetike, &c. by Humfrey Baker, citizyn of London," and it was dedicated by him to Maifter John Fitzwilliam, Governour of the moft famous Societie of Marchchauntes Adventurers into Fiaunders, &c. A. 1576-7, a licence was granted to William Norton and John Harrifon to print " Dionis Gray, of London, Goldfmith, his Storehouse of Brevitie in Workes of Arithmetike, a w r ork of rare pleafant and commodious efFecte ;" and in 1586 there was another edition, amended by the author. A. 1591. Thomas Nelfbn had a licence to print " The Pathwaic to Knowledge, teaching the perfect Worke and Practife of Arith- metick in whole numbers and fractions, both by pen and counters,-. &c. fet forth by Nicholaus Peter de Daventer." And > A. 1592. Richard Field printed' " Thomas Mafterton his fifft book of Arithmeticke, after a more perfect;, brief, well ordered way, Alban's in 1546, and reprinted by him in London; for thefe treattfes "taught to recken with hole numbers or in broken." And u-nder fuch a defel, Record could not have flattered himfelf " that fome would like his booke above any other English Arithmetick hitherto publifhed ;" as he fuggefls in the preface to the reader. Befides he ftyles his " Whetftone of Witte," which was a fubfequent treatife, fl the fecond part of Arithmetick, containing the extraction of Rootes." To the treatife printed by Hertford was prefixed " A Cut of a Man placing coun- ters on a table." To the edition of Record's Arithmetick, A. 1558, there was a cut of the Doctor fitting at a table teaching Arithmetick to two men fitting at the fame table, and a third looking on. than