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Margam ibid. ; at Kilavoir ibid. ; at Sligo ibid. ; near Oon Dvv in Ireland ibid. Crofs, fign of the, obfervations on 221, 222 ; always u fed on Saxon charters 222 Crofles, ftone, obfervations on 213 217 Croffes in church yards worfhipped 199, 200 ; creeled as boundaries 214 ; in memory of remarkable events 215; in church-yards 216; fepulchral ibid ; weeping ibid. Crowe, Mr. his letter concerning a barrow on Buxton Common near Norwich 404, 405 Crucifixes, obfervations on 218 221 ; fa- i mous one at Holy rood Houfe ?i8 ; cruci- fixes of gold 219, 220 ; on the covers of books 320, 221 ^ Cuciberduce, what 385 Cuffyn, Edward, prifoner in the Tower of London 8.1 ; account of him 85 Cu liver, what 385 Culverin, a fpecies of ordnance atf Cumberland, George, Earl of 275 , Curlew iacke 385 Curtails, a fpecies of ordnance 29 D Dacres, Anne 73 -r George, Lord, ibid. Daventer, Peter de, his book of arithmetic 162 Denne, Mr. his examination of an infcription on a barn in Kent ; the mantle- tree in the parfonage-houfe at Helmdon in Northamp- tonfhire, as defcribed by Profeffors Wall is and Ward, revifed, and queries and re- marks on the general ufe of Arabic nume- rals in England 107 14.0 additional remarks on the Helmdon mantle tree, and on the knowledge and ufe of the Arabic numerals in the thir- teenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and fixteenth centuries 141 168 Deulouart, college of Englifh Benedictine monks there 263 Derby houfe 277 Devonfhire, Earl of 97, 98 ^ Diatrees for dinner 742, 344, 746,348,351, 3S3> 3S5 357> 3 6o > 362, 364, 367 Diatrees for fupper 342, 344, 347, 349, 351, 353' 3'>> 35^ 360, 362, 365, 367 Dominican College in Louvain 270 Dominican Friars at Bornhem 270 Dominican Nuns in Bruflels 271 Dorfet, Richard, Earl of 275 Dorften, reputed Roman camp near 25 Douay College, account of 259 College of Englifh BenedidYme monks at 262, 263 College of Englifh Francifcan recol- lects at 266 Douce, Mr. communicates the Abb de la Rue's difTertation on the life and writings of Mary, an Anglo-Norman poetefs 35 Dragons, ancient devices of 118, 119 Drake, Sir Francis 100, 101 Draper, Hugh, prifoner in the Tower 98,99 Drumler, a kind of fhip 28 Dudley, Edmund 69 Guildford 70 Lady Jane, account of her behaviour on the fcaffold 407, 408 Dunkirk, Englifh convent of Benedi6tine nuns at 271 Englifh convent of Poor-Clares at 269 Dunlings, what 386 Edward the elder 311,312 Edwardftow, orNettley Abbey, feal of 193 195 Egret, what 385 Elizabeth, Queen, her letter to the earl of Warwick 201 203 Ellyott, George 86 Efquerchin near Douay, fchool for Englifh catholics at 272 Eul Francis, prifoner in the Tower of Lon- don 8^ Exeter, Henry, Duke of 10 Henry, Marquis of 97, 98 Fables of Mary, an Anglo-Norman poetefs 4465 Falcon, a fpecies of ordnance 27, 28 Fading, miraculous account of 31 ^ U4 Fetherftone, ,

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