Mr. Aftle's Okfervations on Stone Pillars,
cognomento Garter, Delineatse, et ob oculos pofitae Volumen Secundum. 309 I remain, Your Lordfhip's moft faithful and moft obedient Servant, Batterfea Rife, December z t 1797. To the Earl of Leicejler, Pre/tdent of the Society of Antiquaries. THOMAS ASTLE. SECT. I. Of fanes or pillars erett, as well rude as wrought and inferred. IT appears from hiftorians both facrcd and profane, that fmgle Hones, or rude pillars, were erected on various occafions in the moft early ages. Many inftances of thefe monuments fet up by the Pa- triarchs occur in the Old Teftament; fuch was that raifed by Ja- cob at Lug, afterwards named Bethel ; as was alfo the pillar placed by him over the grave of Rachael. Jofhua likewife creeled a great ftone for a memorial in Sechem [a]. The Gentiles alfo fet up pil- lars of the fame kind in every country for idolatrous purpofes ; and before arts were introduced they worlhipped thofe rude ftones, even prior to the emigration of Ifrael from Egypt [&]. The Paphians [a] Jofhua, chap. xxiv. ver, 24, 26, 27. VOL, XIII. E Borlace's Cornwall, p. i5i. worlhipped