PRESENTS TO THE SOCIETY. Richard Gough, EJq. William Blizard, Efq. Rev. Daniel Lyfons. George Chalmers, Efq. Rev. Mark Noble. John Croft, Efq. by Ca- leb Whiteford, Efq. Mr. Profeflbr Harwood. Philip Rafhleigh, Efq. Mr. John Carter. Major Stanley, by the Right Hon. Sir Jo- feph Banks. Rev. Thomas Langley, M.A. by Craven Ord, Efq. Andrew Lumifden, Efq. John Thomas Groves, Efq. William Seward, Efq. George Fair, Efq.. Sir Frederick Morton Eden, Bart. Thomas Ruggles, Efq. Rev. James Dallaway, M.B. Dr. Ingenhouz by Dr. Garthfhore. Mr. J. P. Malcolm.. The Second Volume of his Sepulchral Monu- ments, folio. Suggeftions for the Improvement of Hofpitals, and other Charitable Inftitutions. London, 1796, 8vo. Vol. IV. of his Environs of London y , 410. 1796. His " Apology for the Believers in the Shake - fpear Papers," London, 1797, 8vo. His " Memoirs of the llluftrious Houfe of Me- dici, &c." London, 1797, 8vo. Excerpta Antiqua, or a Collection of Original MSS. York, 1797, 8vo. The Firft fafciculus of his Syftem of Comparative Anatomy and Phyfiology, Cambridge, -796,, 4to. His Specimens of Britifh Minerals, 1797, 4to. The fourth, fifth, fixth, feventh, eighth, and ninth Numbers of his Antient. Architecture of Eng- land. The engraved Plates of the Geyfer in Iceland* The Hiftory and Antiquities of the Hundred of Defborough, &c. in Buckinghamshire, 4to. His Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its Environs, London, i797> 4to. Engraving of Weftminfter Abbey from a Draw- ing made by him, and prefented to his Majefty. A Supplement to the Anecdotes of fbme Diftin- guifhed Perfons, London, 1797, 8vo. Printed Tables by him of Antient Weights and Meafures. His Cfr State of the Poor, &c." 4 vols. 4to. His Hiftory of the Poor, a new edition. His Conftantinople, Antient and Modern, 410* 1797. A Latin Poem in Quarto, " Ad Hungaros Hun- garus, 1796. Three Numbers of Illuftrations of Lyfons' En- virons of London. Hay man