Mr. Ryder's Account of Antiquities, &c. 5507
The figure or image without the beads carries with it the evi- dence of its being torn from its fituation ; and both appear to bear the marks of remote antiquity. Upon confulting with gentlemen for whole literary knowledge I have the greateft efteem, (one of whom has paid the moft unwearied attention on the fpot to every thing rare in Egypt and in Greece) I was perfuaded to lay them before the Society of Antiquaries for infpecYion, and acceptation if worthy the honour. Should they elucidate any early, and perhaps till now unknown cuftoms, I lhall refled with pleasure on their once being in my poffeffion. With the moft perfect refpeft and efteem, Sir, I have the honour to be Your jobedieat humble Servant, - THOMAS BYDER. 1 85, Oxford Street, Novtmhr 30, 1797. rf t The Rev. John Brand, &c. - XX.