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Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the

all such affaires, as any way doth, or may concerne the good of of their lorde, by preservinge him and the housholde from any danger or sicknes, and to avoide all superfluous chardge.

Hee is to take the weekelie accompte of the clarke of the kittchine, so well by jurnall, as the cators accompt or chardge, and all domestical provisions whatsoever besides, hee is too see into them, where any wanntes are, that those maye bee suppliede.

Hee is to augmente or deminishe any allowances, as occasion servith, in what place soever in his discretion, as when there bee stranngers or none.

Hee is to see that there bee inventories indentede made and deliverede to everie officer in the house, whereby all necessaries bought in by the stewarde, may bee dewly accountede for quarterlie, and all such necessaries as bee wornne and decayede, to dischardge the offecer thereof, by the forsaid inventories under his hannde.

Hee is to see into the seasonnes of the yeare, that what first reneweth, and is most rare and daintie, may bee gott, and that choice of those necessarie provisions bee provided for with varietie of dressinge for the lordes diete.

The Office of a Surveyor.

The surveyor is by warrannte under his lordes hannde, to make generall survey of all such lanndes, as the lorde hath wheresoever in any place, and to make a perfecte booke thereof, explayninge in the saide booke by perticular, the nature and quallitie of everie severall parte; vidz. devidinge earable from pasture, pasture from meddowe, meddowe from woode, and woodes to bee devided as they bee in severall natures, eather sherewoode, or copps, for that theire commodities doe arise severallie.


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