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Able Mann's Account of

ed to London in June 1555, and remained in the Savoy till November 1556, when poffeffion was given them of the Char- .treufe of Shene, near Richmond in Surrey, and they were foon after formally reinftated therein by letters patent of cardinal Pole, bearing date December 31, 1556. After the acceffion of Queen Elizabeth to the throne, thefe monks, by the interceffion of Don Gomez de Figueroa, duke of Feria, the Spanilh ambaflador in England, were permitted to depart the kingdom in a body unmolefted, being in number twelve profeffed monks, and three converfe brothers. Their prior was Don Maurice Chauncey, who wrote the hiftory of their -emigration, printed at Mentz. They arrived in Flanders July i, J59> and retired to the Chartreufe at Bruges, where they remained till 1569, when they removed to a large houfe in St. Clare's Street, .in the fame city. The ipth of April, 15/8, they were driven out of Bruges by the Geufian faction, and paffmg through Lille, Douay, Cam- bray, and St. Quintin's, they went to the Chartreufe near Noyon, where they ftaid till the 5th of July following; from whence returning to the Low Countries by the way of Namur, they arrived at the Chartreufe of Louvain the 1 7th of the fame month. Here they were received and lodged by order of Don Juan of Auftria till 1590 or 1591. Prior Chauncey died at Paris July 12, 1581, in his return from Spain, where he had been to folicit fuccours for his com- munity, and had obtained an annual pennon from Philip the rllnd. but which was never regularly paid, -efpeciaily under his fucceflbrs. Chauncey was fucceeded as prior by Don Walter Pytts, who feeing his community uneafy at Louvain, is faid by feveral hiftorians of the Low Countries to have removed it to Ant- 4 werp

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