Englifli Convents, &c. on the Continent. 263
education of youth in claffical learning. It was governed by a prior, and fubfifled till 1793, when all that remained in the houfe were feized and imprifoned with circumftances of the moft wanton cruelty, 13. Jefuits of Watten. This was the noviciate of the Jefuits, and was begun atr Lou- vain, in the year 1 605, by father Parfons ; but by a grant made to them by the bifhop of St. Omer's of the monaflery of Watten, a houfe before belonging to canon regulars of St. Auguftine, theyfoon removed thither. The bifhop's deed was dated April 1 1, 161 1. The yearly income thereof amounted to about 3000 florins. Watten is only two leagues from St. Omer's, on the canal leading to Dunkirk. This houfe ferved for a retreat to the aged and infirm members of the fociety, as well as for a noviciate. After the. iuppreffion of the Jefuits in France, thofe of this houfe were removed, in. 1765, to the Profefled houfe at Ghent, where they remained till the extinc- tion of the Society in 1773. 14. Benediftine Monks of Deulouart* Deulouart is a town in Lorraine, on the Mofelle, not far from Pont-a-MoufTon. The monaftery was given by the cardinal of Lorraine, in the year 1606, to fome Benedicline monks of the Englifh nation. Befides the monaftery they had a college for the education of youth. Both fubfifted till crufhed'by the French revolution. J, Jefuiteffes. <. This inftitution was firft attempted at St. Omer's, in the year 1608, by Mrs. Mary Ward, and by the perfuafion and aflift- ance