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2 86 Mr. Combe's Olfervatkns on a

Moipvj Kott A?;9--/7 f*6 Kotryyofyov ttq wptyewv SaAa^ov, Koti Tffoc.goe.OQi; ehmrov (poto$ The word otStyw fignifies inta&us, it having the fame derivation as aSatfoe, which is explained " Virgo mtaffa, cujus virginitas eft illibata" Many paifages might be adduced in illuftration of the fifth, fixth, and feventh verfes. Among Greek writers it was a favourite idea in the cafe of young perfons who died before marriage, to lament that they had exchanged, as in the prefent inftance, the marriage for the funeral rites. An exchange, fo favourable to the difplay of eloquence and poetry, was eagerly feized as a fubjecl; on which they might expatiate with fuccefs, and accordingly we find the fame idea embellimed by different writers in the moft elegant and pa- thetic language [*]. The AX' Ajy s yjuv KOLI ^-aAa/^a/'f fwAarayeuvro Sv d.v&v.pa.'yiv , sy S Ai 5' aura] KoCi (f>yyo$ e^a^s^sv tzrapa xxi f^jU-g'va vefisv Ityauvov oSciv. MELEAGRI EPIGR. 118. edit. I. C. F. Manfo. Ka/ >taS"' j(V vuxJa (TV/KOLT'SKX^YJ Tw yiju.av7<, KO.T' avfyv T) Jyoyy^rJ^ s-fsXsvfa., ^<pora-ojTj7ou ziropoj roT? ^aAaao/j sfiv^vt^. Kaj rov J^gvaiov dSo^svov E?I, ttespst*iy. Ka< (Ja^g; a< ro /'av effiirlov HELIODORI ^THIOP. Lib. II. p. in. edit. D. Parei.

-stole <rov Svw ra

lifstev SI Svovvxfl' rd<po$ pkv <roi, TSKVOV, o ^aAa/xo/' ya^t-o; Ss o Sdvaros' Spyvo; o v[j,evtx.H>$'

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