Land Forces without Money in 1667.
rity of their princes, or an univerfal and tacite confent of thofe more uncivilized nations where plenty of gold and filver have not been wanting. And in our Barbadoes, and other American plan- tations, they have well enough fupplied their want of money by pounds of fugar or tobacco, which manner of fupplying the want of money hath not only been fo praclifed by the kings of Spain, Queen Elizabeth, and thofe many other princes and nations but 1600 years before by leather money coyned in our Britaine by Ju- lius Csefar. And the Roman, arid more ancient nations, were not without their brafs money, and made far fpreading fo good ufe of it as the Latin language doth not feldom comprehend filver and gold, and all other monies under the notion of it. And therefore certainly fome fmall moneys made of brafs or tin, which other na- tions have but little of, and by a late invention will very much re- femble filver, than formerly made ufe of, may be now upon a greater neceffity than ever England had, and with as much, if not greater reafon, for that by the charge and more expenfive and di- latory courfe of warr now in ufe than formerly, alteration of tenures in capite, and by knights fervice into focagc, difcharging their ge- nerous and unhired fervices in warr, as horfemen and men of the beft education, virtue, and renown, with their many then obliged tenants and fervants to attend them, the now more than formerly great pay and wages of fcamen and foldiers, incertainty of their {kill, courage, and fidelity, and the ever certain danger of their mu- tinies, revolt, and treachery s, too likely to happen if they have riot money, there is now in the affairs or matters of war more need than ever of money, without which or fomething equivalent to it, if three of the largeft fhires of England, viz. Yorkfhire, Lincoln- mire, and ErTex, were covered with men, arms, ammunition, and all manner of warlike provifions, it would be little more than nothing conducible either to a victory or felf-prefcrvation. B b 2, To