< Page:Archaeologia Volume 13.djvu
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Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.
The firste Course.
- Mutton bo.
- Birdes bo.
- Widgeon bo.
- Stocdove bo.
- Lapwine bo.
- Rabbett bo.
- Capers
- Olives
- Cowcumbers
- Sampier
- Purslinge
- Caviare
- Mutton ro.
- Veale ro.
- Neatstong ba.
- Porke ro.
- Heron ro.
- Mallard
- Storcke
- Turkie
- Curlew
- Custarde
- Rabbetts
- Gull ro.
The seconde Course.
- Phesante
- Bitter
- Godwite
- Redshanke
- Woodcoke
- Plovers
- Teales
- Snipes
- Ruffe
- Baninge
- Knotts
- Partregs
- Quales
- Jedcoke
- Fellfaire
- Larckes
- Pidgeons
- Tarte
- Crayne.
Aprill, 1605.
These bee the provisions for this monthe, begininge the 1st of Aprill.
Grosse provisions for this monthe.
- Beefe
- Mutton
- Pigge
- Baconn
- Veale
- Kidde
- Porcke
- Lambe
- Rabbetts.
These Foules bee nowe in seasone.
- Bustarde
- Storcke
- Knotts
- Quales
- Pidgeons
- Capon
- Turkie
- Egrete
- Dotterell
- Partreges
- Chickins
- Curlewe
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