Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the
Hee is aldoe to arme the carver, fouldinge his arminge towell full three fyngers broade or more, and that to putt about his necke, bringinge both sides of the towell even downe to his girdell, and puttinge them under his girdell faste, a littell waye, the endes are to hannge from thence right downe. His lordes and ladies napkines to bee laide faire, on his lefte shoulder, his owne napkine on his lefte arme, and so the carver beeinge armede, the gentleman usher is to present him to the table from the ewerie. Hee is to arme the sewer with a towell, of the like soulde, to the carver, and is to putt it baudericke wise, about his necke, with a knotte thereof, so lowe as his knee, and both the endes of the towell to hannge lower at the leaste by a foote then the knotte, and so hee beeinge armede, to goe to the surveyinge place or dresser, for the lordes meate. Hee is to attende at the ewerie denner and supper, to delivere forth and to receave againe, napkines and trenchers to and from the greate chamber.
The Yeoman of the Seller.
Hee is to receave all such wynnes as cometh in, and to wee them stowede and well vented, from takinge aire, and to have respecte to such plaite, as hee standeth chardged withall, and to knowe what every parcell of plaite will conteyne, by measure, the better shall hee accompte for his dischardge truelie to bee made.
The Yeoman Usher of the Greate Chamber.
Hee is to execute the gentleman usher's derections, and to see the greate chamber everie day early swepte and neatlie kepte, with fier to bee made at the seasone of the yeare, or ells the chemney tobee