Notes on the preceding Paper, &c.
indifferent stomacks."
In the north of England the Shag is called the Crane.
"Egrett," p. 341. "Egrets," says Pennant in his British Zoology, Vol. II. p. 717, "a species of Heron, now scarce known in this island, were in former times in prodigious plenty." Skinner hazards the following etymology, "Nescio an a nostro Eager, acer, quia fc. vchemens est in præda venanda."
Curlewiake, p. 341. Can this be the Curwilet or Sanderling, mentioned by Ray, as so called about Penzans? It is about the bigness of the lesser Tringa, or Sandpiper, and wants the back claw, by which note it may easily be known from all others of its kind. Ray, 8vo. p. 90.
Puett, p. 341.—See Pennant, Vol. II. p. 453.
Bayninge, p. 341. No account can be found of this fowl.
Shoveller, p. 341. See Muffett, ut supra, p. 109. Shovelard, Merrett's Pinax, p. 181. Anas Platyrynchos, five Clypeata Germanica. Aldr. Ray, p. 38. Pennant, Vol II. p. 596.
Brue, p. 341, unknown.—The word "Brew" as a fowl occurs in several places in that most rare old tract, "The Booke of Carvinge," Black Letter, signat. A. 8 b. where it follows the "Curlew."—Also signat. B. 4. and we read signat. I. 6. b. "Untache that Brew.—Take a Brew and raise his legs and wings, &c.—No sauce but onely salt"
Redshanke, p. 341, or pool snipe, Totanus, Gefn. and Gallinula Erythropus major ejufclem. Ray, ut fupra, p. 26. Pennant II. 446,
Knotte, p. 341.—"That is King Knout or Knute (Canutus) his bird, Cinclus Bellonii an Callidrys cinerea?" Ray, p. 26. Pennant II. 461.
Blankett, p. 341.—spelled "Blonkett" p 352—unknown.
Indecoke, p. 341. Probably this is a mistake in the transcriber for Judecoke.
Cudberduce, p. 341. The Cuthbert-Duck, Anas Sancti Cuthberti, building only, says Ray, 8vo. p. 96, on the Farn Island upon the coast of Northumberland.
Cullver, p. 341—ab A. S. cul(symbol characters)e. Columba. Pidgeon or Dove. Skinner.
Godwite, p. 341. Godwit, see Muffett, p. 99, where he tells us that a "fat Godwit is so fine and light a meat, that noblemen (yea, and merchants too by your leave) stick not to buy them at four nobles a dozen.
Lincolnshire affordeth great plenty of them, elsewhere they are rare in England, wheresoever I have travailed."—See Ray's Willughby, p. 292—The Godwit or Stone-plover.
Dotterell, p. 341. See Pennant's Zoology, Vol. II. p. 477.