CONTENTS. ARTICLES. PAGE BATES, R. C. Character Building at Elmira, - - - 577 BLISS, H. L. Eccentric Official Statistics : II, - 79 BLISS, H. L. Eccentric Official Statistics : III, 355 afiCLossoN, C. C. The Hierarchy of European Races, 314 COMMONS, J. R. The Junior Republic : I, - - - - - 281
FAIRCHILD, G. T. Populism in a State Educational Institution, - - 392 FORREST, J. D. A New Plan for the Control of Quasi-Public Works, 837 HKGNER, H. F. Scientific Value of Sbcial Settlements, - ... 171 HOWERTH, I. W. A Programme for Social Study: II, - ... I O Q HmvERTH, I. W. A Programme for Social Study: III, 248 KMLLEY, FLORENCE. The Illinois Child-Labor Law, - - 490 KING, W. A. The Mortality Statistics of the Census in Relation to Occupa- tions, .... 216 LAIDLAW, WALTER. A Plea and Plan for a Cooperative Church Parish System in Cities, - 795 -LEAN, ANNIE MARION. Factory Legislation for Women in the United States, - 183 Mil i is, H. A. Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents: I, 378 Mil. MS, H. A. Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents: II, 479 Mil i is, H. A. 1 aw Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents: III, - 631 Mn i is, H. A. Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents: IV, 777 ROE, PAUL. Possibilities of the Present Industrial System, - 729 MOORE, E. C. Social Value of the Saloon, i ikiM'KHH. Studk-s in Political Areas : I, - 297 . FRIEDRICH. Studies in Political Areas : II, 449 KAUSCHENBU- Staked the Church in the Social Movement, 18 Ross, E. A. Social Control : VI 1 1 . 64 Ross, E. A. Social Control : I X . - -236 Ross, E. A. Social Control : X . 328 Ross, E. A. Social Control : X 1 , 502 Ross, E. A. Social Control : XII. Ross, E. A. Social Control : XIII. Soq ISlMMEL, GEORG. The Persistence of Social Group SIMMEL, GEORG. The Persistence i tamps: II, SIMONS, A. M iuai in Causes of Poverty, SMALL, A. W. The Sociologists' I ew, 145 v PAGE
Starr, Frederick. Study of the Criminal in Mexico, 13 . . M. Official Statistics, 622 THOMAS, W. I. On a Difference in the Metabolism of the Sexes, - 31 THOMAS, \V. I. The Relation of Sex to Primitive Social Control, 754 TOSTI, GUSTAVO. Suicide in the Light of Recent Studies, - 464 ,C \V A. Sociological Instruction at Paris, 206 WARP. 1.. F. Utilitarian Economics, - 520 DRUFF, C. R. The Philadelphia Gas Works : A Modern Instance, 601 REVIEWS. Annee sociologique. A. W. Small, - .... 700 BALDWIN,]. M. Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development. G. E. Vincent, - 541 BARTH, PAUL. Die Philosophic der Geschichte als Sociologie. A. W. Small, 700 DAVENPORT, II. J. Outlines of Elementary Economics. C. R. Henderson, 407 DEMOOR, JEAN, JEAN MASSART, and EMILE VANDERVELDE, L'Evolution regressive en biologic et en sociologie. W. I. Thomas, - - - 408 DENNIS, J. S. Christian Missions and Social Progress. C. A*. Henderson, - 545 GIDDINGS, F. H. The Theory of Socialization. A. W. Small, - - in HENDERSON, C. R. The Social Spirit in America. Graham Taylor, 405 JOHNSON, Hi i KN KF.NDRICK. Woman and the Republic. W. I. Thomas, - 406 LKHR, JULIUS. Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen der Volkswirthschaft. C. W. A.Veditz, 266 LILIENFELD, PAUL DE. La Pathologic sociale. L. F. Ward, - 258 LORIA, ACHILLE. Problemes sociaux contemporains. C.R.Henderson, - - 115 MARRO, ANTONIO. La Puberta studiata nell' Uomo e nella Donna. C. R. Henderson, - - 703 MATHEWS, SHAILER. The Social Teachings of Jesus. W. M. Lawrence, 548 Mi HLBRECHT, OTTO. Wegweiser durch die neuere Literatur der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften. C. H. Hastings, ...... 537 Novicow, J. Conscience et volonte" sociales. G. E. Vincent, 544 RATZEL, FRIEDRICH. The History of Mankind. F. Starr, - 702 Report of the National League for the Protection of the Family. C. R. Henderson, 705 SALMON, LUCY MAYNARD. Domestic Service. C.R.Henderson, - - - 114 SCHANZ, GEORG. Neue Beitrage zur Frage der Arbeitslosenversicherung. H. A. Millis, - 546 STAMMHAMMKR, JOSKK. Bibliographic des Socialismus und Communismus. ('. //. Hastings, 537 STAMMHAMMKR, JOSKF. Bibliographic der Socialpolitik. C. H. Hastings, 537 STUCKENBERG, J. H. W. Introduction to the Study of Sociology. A. W. Small, - 855 WARD, L. K Dynamic Sociology. A. W. Small, no WARD, L. F. Outlines of Sociology. . A. Ross, 822 CONTENTS v PACK WEBB, SIDNEY and BEATRICE. Industrial Democracy. C. R. Henderson, - 850 WINES, F. H., and JOHN KOREN. The Liquor Problem in its Legislative w Aspects. C. K. Henderson, 265 WORMS, RENE. Organisme et socie"te*. L. F. Ward, - 258 Zeitschrift fiir Social wissenschaft. A. W. Small, - 699 ZENKER, E. V. Anarchism. A. W. Small, 704 MINOR EDITORIALS. Statistics of Manufacture (Table), - 560 Explanatory Note from Professor Durkheim, - - - 848 NOTES AND ABSTRACTS. July, 121-28 September, - - 270-80 November, 410-16 January, - 551-59 March, 706-12 May, - 862-68 Accidents to labor, Study of a law on, Augustin Blanchet, 557; Anthropological data in sociology, G. Sergi, 868; An thropo-. sociology, Fundamental laws of, G. P. de Lapouge, 863; Anthropo-soci- ology, Studies in, H. Muffang, 706. Charitable work, Sympathy and reason in, E. T. Jones, 277 ; Charities, Arraignment of organized, Guntott's Magazine, 127; Charities, Defense of organized, F. W. Hamilton, 128; Charity and progress, Edward Cummings, 555; Christian socialism, LaTour du Pin Chambly, 415 ; Cities, Development of American, Josiah Quincey, 128 ; Conflict of races, classes, and societies. G. Fiamingo, 273; Cooperative stores in the United States, Edward Cum- mings, 276; Corporations, Nature of, J. P. Davis, 280. Death, The fear of, Guglielmo Ferrero, 555; Democratic tendencies, E. L. Godkin, 128; Domestic service, Evolution of, Hudry-Menos, 124. Economics, Philosophical basis of, Sidney Shirwood, 410; Economic progress and social ethics, E. Solvay, 706; Education, Place of the political and social in modern, E. J. James, 710; Ethical self, Genesis of, J. M. Baldwin, 126. Family, Disorganization of the, and its social con- sequences, Ernest Passer, 416. Genius, fame, and the comparison of races, C. H. Coolcy, 274; George Junior Republic, W. H. Hull, 275; George Junior Republic, Official investigation of, J. E. Jenks and others, 708; Gill School, city, Public Opinion, 410. Homewood: A model suburban settlement, E. R. L. Gould, 276. Immigration question, J. H. Lenner, 277; Insurance, Industrial, Haley Fiske, 867; Insurance, Over, and under consumption, John Davidson, 277. Labor in France, Inspection of, Maurice Vanlaer, 551; Later movement, Graham Taylor, 279; Labor, Rights of capital and, and industrial conciliation, Mrs. C. R. Lowell, 552; Legislation, Political and municipal, in 1897, E. D. Durand, 868. Market wrecking, W. E. Bear, 126; Maryland Pris- oner.' Aid Association, 862; Mob mind, The, E. A. Ross, 412; Municipal conditions in California, J. D. Phelan, 127; Municipal government, Problem of, H. S. Pingree, i8. Natural selr social selection, and her- Commons, 414; Negro problems, St-dy of the, W. E. B. DuBois, 864 ; Nutrition. Over, and its social consequences, S. N. Patten, 270. Pauper problem in America, ttooih-Tticker, 127 ; Penal question from an ethical point of view, Wladimir Sclonieff, 415 ; Public baths in Europe, E. H. Hartwell, 412. Railroads, Administration of. \\. 11 Meyer, 558; Religion as a social forcr. 70 ; Religion, Essential nature of, L. F. Ward, 862. Social and ethical solidarity. Our, Edward Montgomery, 554; Social change, Process of, C. H. Cooley, 272; Social evolution. Ultimate law of, M. A. Vaccario, 711 ; Socialism in Italy, Giovanni Lerda, S59J Social organization, Psychology of, J. M. Baldwin, 559; Social problem, Bearing of the doctrine of selection upon, W. M. Daniels, 710; Social question in the East, Hughes Rosalt, 125 ; Social reform, Animated moderation in. N. }'. c.ilman, 556; Social renovation and the historic CONTENTS school, G. de Pascal, 555; Social science, Advanced school of, La Scienza Sociale, 866; Social standards, Have Americans any. F. H. Wines, 272; Sociology and juridical history, N. Tamassia, 708; Sociology as an introduction to law, Ferdinand Faure and others, 121; Sociology, Ideal and positive science in, Vincenzo Tangorra, 707; Sociology of suggestion, Le Devenir social, 708; Sociology, Psychological bases of, Edouard Abramowski, 415, 416, 551; Sociology, Tendencies and actual state of, Francesco Cosentini, 865; Street arabs, State adoption of, Mrs. A. Samuels, 712, West, Grievance of the, J. H. Hyslop, 126. MISCELLANEOUS BIBLIOGRAPHIES. A PROGRAMME FOR SOCIAL STUDY (with brief annotated bibliographies), [2:869-72], 100-109, 248-57 [The first installment of this article appeared in Vol. 2 of the Journal ; the bibliographies in this first installment are listed below, with volume and page numbers in brackets.] Amusements, 109. Church, 106. Divorce, 103 ; Domestic service, 103. Education, Compulsory, 108. Family, 102. Housing of the poor, 100. Institutional church, 107. Land and population, [2:869]; Land ownership, [2:870]; Lightning, Municipal, 249. Municipal government, 248. Natural monopolies, 253. Penology, 256 ; Population, 101 ; Poverty, 101. Railroads, ownership, 253. Saloon, 106; Schools, Public, 107 ; Settlements, Social, 255; Social amelioration, 255 ; Socialism, 254; Street cleaning, 251. Telegraph and telephone, 252; Tenement-house problem, 100; Tramps, 105; Transportation, City, 250. Unemployed, 104. Vital statistics, 101. Water supply, 250; ilth, distribution, [2:871]; Wealth, limitation, [2:872]. SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. MAN AM- CHILD LABOR, compiled by Madeleine W. Milner - 139-44 Age limit (legislation), 140, 143; Apprenticeship, 142. Bibliographic aids, 139. [Dangerous and immoral work, 142, 143. Education and child labor, 141, 144. Factory inspection laws (in gen- eral), 143; Factory inspectors, List of states having, 144; Factory inspectors' reports, 139; Factory laws (in general), 143. General references, 139. Hours of labor, 140, 141,143. Labor bureaus, List of states having, 144 ; Legislation (in general) , 142. Meal time, 143. Special places (Factories, Mills, Mines, Tobacco industries, Other places), 140; Statistics, state, 140, 141; Statistics, U. S., 141. Wages, 140, 141. PRACTICAL PHII.AN THkorv THROUGH SCIENTIFIC STUDY, compiled 1 .ord, - 567-76 Arbitration (industrial), 568; Almshouses, 572; Art and amusements. 570; Authorities consulted, 575. Books referred to, 573; Boys' clubs, 572. Charities: situation, 567; Charities, indiscriminate, 569; Charity organization, 569; Child-labor, 572; Child-saving, 572; Clubs, 571; Church, 570; Com- petition. 567 ; Cooperation, 568. Defective classes (blind, deaf, dumb, feeble-minded), 571 ; Delin- quent classes, 571 ; Dependent classes, 572 ; Domestic service, 570. Education, 568 ; Environment, 570. Factory system, 567; Free libraries, 570; Fresh air fund, 572; Friendly visiting, 569. George Junior Republic, 572. Heredity, 569; Home education, 571 ; Home libraries, 572 ; Hospi- tals, 571 ; Housing, 570. Immigration question, 568; Industrial conditions, Bad, 567; Insane, 571 ; Intemperance, 569. Kindergartens, Free, 572 ; Labor bureaus of statistics, 568; Labor colonies, 568; Labor legislation: eight-hour day, 568; Labor question, 567; Labor of women, 567; Land nationalization, 567; Lodging houses, 570. Manual training, 569; Medical relief, 570; Money and trade, Changes in, 567 ; Municipal and state ownership, 568. Nationalism, 568. Old-age pensions, 569; Outdoor T'J. indoor relief, 569. Parks and playgrounds, 570; Philanthropists, 572; Poor laws, 569; Poor relief, 569; Poverty, Cause of and remedies for, 567-9; Poverty: Condition of things, 567; Profit sharing, 568; Prostitutes, 571 ; Public baths, 570. Relief in work, 568. Salvation army, 568; Sanitation and ventilation, 570; Savings, Encouragement of, 569; Sensuality, 570; Socialism, 568 ; Social settlements, 571; State bureaus of charity, 569; Statistics: use and value, 567 ; Strikes, 568 ; Sweating, 567. Taxation, 567; Trade Unions, 568 ; Tramps, 571. Unemployed, 568; University extension, 571. Wages, 567. CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY. BOOKS. July (for May-June), - - 129-34 November ( for July-September), 417-26 March (for November- February), .... 713-21 May (for March-April), - - 869-76 Anthropology, 129, 417, 869. Biology, evolution, science, 129, 417, 713, 869. Charities, 129, 417, 713, 869; 11165,129,417,714,869; Criminology and penology, 129, 418, 714, 870. Education, 130, 418, 714, 870; Ethics, philosophy, and psychology, 131, 418, 714, 870. Family, 130, 715, 870; Finance and taxation, 130, 419, 715, 871. History, 130, 420, 715, 871. International law, 131, 421, 716. Labor, 131, 421, 716, 874. Political economy, 131, 422, 716, 874; Political science, 132, 422, 717, 874. Religion and the churches, 132, 423, 717, 875. Sanitary and domestic science, 718, 875 ; Socialism, 133, 424, 718, 875 ; Sociology: general works, 133, 424, 719,875; Statistics, 133, 425, 720. Unclassified, 136, 720. ARTICLES. July (for May-June), - I34~37 November (for July-September), 426-32 March (for November- Februar - - - 722-28 May (for March-April), 876-80 Administration, 426; ./Esthetics. 722; Africa, 134,426, 876; Agriculture, 134, 426,722, 876; American republics, 722; Anthropology, 427, 722, 876; Anthropometry, 876; Arbitration, industrial, 427, 876; Arbitration, international, 134, 876; Architecture, 877; Armies, 722, 876; Art, 134, 876; Astronomy, 134 ; Australia, 134; Austria, 877. Biography, 134,427, 722. Canals, 134, 427, 722; Capital, 427, 722 ; Census, 722 ; Charities, 134, 427, 722 ; Children, 135, 427, 722 ; China, 427, 722 ; Christianity, 135, 722; Churches, 135, 427, 722; Cities, 135,427, 722, 877; Civil service, 427, 722; Coal, 722, 877 ; Coast defenses, 722 ; Collectivism,! 723 ; Commerce, 723, 877 ; Communism, 427, 722; Completion, 135; Constitution, 723,877; Constitutional law, 135; Consumers' leagues, 733 ; Contract, 427; Convention, 877; Cooperation, 135, 427, 722; Corporations, 427; Courts, 723; Credit, 723 ; Crete, 135 ; Criminology and penology, 135, 427, 723, 877 ; Cuba, 135, 427, 723, 877. Democracy, 427, 723, 877 ; Direct legislation, 723 ; Divorce, 428, 723 ; Domestic, 135, 723, 877 ; Drainage, 877 ; Duel, 877. Eastern question, 135. 428 ; Education, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Elections, 135, 7231877; Electricity, 135, 723; Employment agencies, 428; Equality, 428; Ethics, 135,428, 877; Ethnology, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Europe, 135, 723, 877 ; Evolution, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Exposition, 135. Factory inspection, 428, 723 ; Family, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Federalist, 428 ; Finance, 135, 498, 723, 877; Food, 428, 723, 877; France, 135,428,723, 877; Friendly visiting, 724; Futures, 135. Garbage, 135, 724; Gas, 428,724; George Junior Republic, 724; Germany, 724, 878; Girls' friendly societies, 724; Grain, 724; Great Britain, 136,428, 724, 878; Greece, 136. Hard times, 136; Hawaii, 428, 724; Health, 428; Heredity, 428, 724, 879; History, 136, 428, 724, 878; Hours of labor, 724; Housing, 136, 428, 724, 878; Hypnotism, 428. Ideals, 724,878; Immigration, 136, 428, 724; India, 136, 724; Individualism, 724, 878; Industry, 136, 878; Inheritance, 878; Injunction, 724,878; Inner mission ,136; Insanity, 429; Institutional churches, 724; Insurance, 136, 499, 794, 878; Intemperance, 724 ; Interest, 429; Internationalism, 136; International law, 429, 724 ; Inter- state commerce, 429 ; Invention, 429, 878; Ireland, 878; Iron, 724; Irrigation, 136; Italy, 136,499. 724. Japan, 136, 429,878; Jersey, Isle of, 724; Jews, 724, 878; Jury, 429, 724. Labor, 136,409, 724, 878; Land. 429, 725, 878 ; Language, 136; Law, 725; Legislation, 429, 725,878; Libraries, 136; Lighting, 795; Liquor question, 136,429, 725; Literature, 136; Lodging houses, 725; London, 725; Luxury, 725; Lynching, 878. Hachinery, 725 ; Manual training, 409, 795; Missions, 795, 878; Mexico, 878; Monetary commission, 725 ; Money, 429,725; Monopolies, 4*9; Mothers, 136; Municipal ownership, 725; Municipal reform, 429; Musee social, 725. Navies, 795,878; Negroes, 136,429, 725; Neighborhood guilds, 725 ; Newfoundland, 136; Newspapers, 878 ; New York, 795. Old-age pensions, 725 ; Outdoor relief, 725. Padrone system, 136; Patriotism, 878 ; Pauperism, 499 ; Peace, 878; People's banks, 136,490,795; Pedagogy, 49 ; Penology, 4*9; Philadelphia, 795, 878; Philosophy, n6, 499, 795; Police, 795; Political economy, 136, 49, 75. 878; Political sci : viii CONTENTS 439, 725, 878 ; Poor laws, 429 ; Population, 136, 429, 725 ; Populism, 429 ; Postal reform, 878 ; Postal sayings banks, 439, 726; Poverty, 726 ; Primaries, 878 ; Prisons, 429, 726; Production, 726; Profit sharing, 879; Property, 136, 429, 726; Proportional representation, 136; Prosperity, 430 ; Psychol- ogy, 136. 430,726. Quarantine, 726. Railroads, 136 430, 726, 879; Referendum, 136, 430, 726; Reli- gion, 136, 430, 726, 879; Renaissance, 136; Rent, 880; Roads, 136; Russia, 136, 430/726, 879. Sal- vation army, 430, 726; Sanitary science, 136, 430, 726, 879; Savings, 879; Science, 430, 726; Seal question, 137, 726; Secret societies, 726; Settlements, 430, 726; Sewage, 879; 86X68,430,879; Shipping, 430, 726, 879; Single tax, 430, 726; Socialism, 137, 430, 726,879; Socialism, Christian, 430,726; Society, 137; Society, contemporary, 430; Sociology, 137, 430, 726; Spain, 727; Statis- tics, 431, 727, 879 ; Street cleaning. 727 ; Street railways, 137, 727 ; Strikes, 137, 431, 727, 879 ; Sugar, 137; Suicide, 137, 727; Sunday rest, 431; Sweating system, 137, 879; Sweden, 431; Syndi- 431. Tariff, 137, 431,727, 879; Taxation, 431, 727, 879; Tenements, 727; Theater, 137; Theosophy, 137, 727 ; Towns, 727 ; Trades unions, 431, 727; Tramps, 431,880; Trusts, 137, 431, 727, 879; Turkey, 137. United States, 137, 431, 727, 879. Vacant lot cultivation, 879; Vital sta- tistics, 137; Vivisection, 727; Voting, 431, 879. Wages, 727; Water, 137; Waterways, 137; Wealth, 137, 43i,7 2 7; Women, 137, 727,879. |