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March for November-February. CONDUCTED BY C. H. HASTINGS.


Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star prefixed Ma a title indicates that it was taken from a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithmetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X, uncertain ; + , favorable ; -, unfavorable; + , favorable, but with reservations ; + , unfavorable,

but with commendation ; + + , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + + , very favorable, but with

reservations ; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in thr case of American and English books, ia

in the case of all others.

Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.

Biology, Evolution, and Science.

Goode, G. B., ed. The Smithsonian institution, 1846-96: the history of its first half century. Wash., D. C., Gov't Print. Office. 830 pp. STO.

Marro, Ant. La puberta studiata nelP uomo c nella donna in rapporto all' antropologia, alia psichiatria, alia pedagogia ed alia sociologia. Torino, fratelli Bocca, 1897. 507 pp. 8vo. L. 10. (Biblioteca antropologica-giuridica.) (AJS., Mr. ++)

Marshall, A. M. Lectures on the Darwinian theory . . . L., David Nutt, 1897. 256 pp. S. 3, 6.

Morgan, C. L. Habit and instinct. N. Y., Ed- win Arnold, 1806. 351 pp. 8vo. $4. (M.,JI. + +) (Science, D. 17 + +)

Romanes, G. J. Darwin and after Darwin . . . Pt. 3. Isolation and physiological selection. Open Court Pub. Co. 181 pp. $i.

Smyth, Newman. The place of death in evolu- tion. 227 pp. lamo. $1.75. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1807. (AJT., Jm. +) (Acad., Jl. 31 ) (N W., D. + )


Albanel, L. Etude statistique sur les enfants tra-

doits en justice, communication faite a 1'auem-

blce generate de IMnstitut international de

statistique . . . 1897 ... St. Petersbourg, P..

Marchal & Bilfard. 68 pp. 8vo. Annuaire de 1'officc central des oeuvres de bien-

faisance. 1896-7. Rapports et comptes rendus.

P., 175 Bvd. St. -Germain, 1897. uopp.Svo. Beer. Guif. L'assistance par le travail agricole.

Etude ur les colonies ouvricrcs

de Hollande. Versailles, Imp. Cerf., 1897.

61 pp. 8vo. mce, W. Children under the poor law

education, training, and after care. (

of report of departmental committee on Met.

Poor Taw School. L., Swan Sonnenschein ft

Co. 456 PP. Sro. S.7,6.

Deutschen Verein f. Armenpflege u. Wohlthatigkeit, Schnften d. 9.-33. Hft. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. M.6.8o.

Euler, Ferd. Die weibliche Diakonie der Gegen- wart u. ihr Anteil an der Losung der Frauen- frage. Stuttgart, Ch. Belser, 1897. 47 pp. 8vo. M. 0.80.

Kiir Feste u. Freunde der inneren Mission. Bilder u. Bildnisse aus der christl. Liebesthatigkeit . . . hrsg. v. M. Hennig. 6.-io. Hft. Br., Buchh. des Ostdeutschen Jiinglingsbundes. a M.o.io.

Great Britain Charity Commissioners. Endowed charities return. Reports made to and by charity commissioners, Ixmdon county, Dept- ford, St. Paul's. St. Nichols', Yorkshire, Sed bergh, Sheffield. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. S. 4, 6%.

Guida delle instituzioni pubbliche de beneficenza: pubblicazipne del* Bolletino delle opere pie del regno. Disp. 30-21. Bologna, soc. tip. gia. Composaton. Pp. 305-336. 8vo.

Hurry, J. B. District nursing on a provident basis. Scientific Press, 1897. 116 pp. 8vo. S. 2.

Italy Commissione reale d' inchiesta sulle opere pie ... Statiste delle opere pie al ^idicembre 1890 e dei lasciti di beneficenza fatti negli anni 1881-90 ... V. 10. Roma, Innocento Ar- tero. 310 pp. 4to. I.. 4.

Kongress fiir innere Mission in Brrmrn . . . 1807, Verhandlungen. Bremen, J. Morgenbesaer, 1897. 209 pp. 8vo. M. 2.50.

Krebs, J. A. Katholische Krankenpflege. Kin l-rlii-. 1'rost u. Andachtsbuch, lunichst f. Ordenspersonen, welche sich dem Ki.mkrn- dienste widmen. 2. Aufl. Dtilmen. A. Lao- mann, 1897. <oi pp. iamo. *'

MUnserberg, K. Die Armenpflege. Einfiihning in die prakt. Pflegethiitigkcii. Br., O. Lieb- mann, 1897. 213 pp. 8vo. M. 3.

Miinsterberg, K. ZentraNtellen f. Armenpflefea. Wohltlntitkcit. Jrn;.. i 67 pp

8vo. M. 1.50.

Reprints of this bibliography'will be furnished at 10 cts. per copy, or 50 cts. for the volume of sU An index and title page will accompany the last number of the volune.


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