school, G. de Pascal, 555; Social science, Advanced school of, La Scienza Sociale, 866; Social standards, Have Americans any. F. H. Wines, 272; Sociology and juridical history, N. Tamassia, 708; Sociology as an introduction to law, Ferdinand Faure and others, 121; Sociology, Ideal and positive science in, Vincenzo Tangorra, 707; Sociology of suggestion, Le Devenir social, 708; Sociology, Psychological bases of, Edouard Abramowski, 415, 416, 551; Sociology, Tendencies and actual state of, Francesco Cosentini, 865; Street arabs, State adoption of, Mrs. A. Samuels, 712, West, Grievance of the, J. H. Hyslop, 126.
A PROGRAMME FOR SOCIAL STUDY (with brief annotated bibliographies),
[2:869-72], 100-109, 248-57
[The first installment of this article appeared in Vol. 2 of the Journal ; the bibliographies in this first installment are listed below, with volume and page numbers in brackets.]
Amusements, 109. Church, 106. Divorce, 103 ; Domestic service, 103. Education, Compulsory, 108. Family, 102. Housing of the poor, 100. Institutional church, 107. Land and population, [2:869]; Land ownership, [2:870]; Lightning, Municipal, 249. Municipal government, 248. Natural monopolies, 253. Penology, 256 ; Population, 101 ; Poverty, 101. Railroads, ownership, 253. Saloon, 106; Schools, Public, 107 ; Settlements, Social, 255; Social amelioration, 255 ; Socialism, 254; Street cleaning, 251. Telegraph and telephone, 252; Tenement-house problem, 100; Tramps, 105; Transportation, City, 250. Unemployed, 104. Vital statistics, 101. Water supply, 250; ilth, distribution, [2:871]; Wealth, limitation, [2:872].
MAN AM- CHILD LABOR, compiled by Madeleine W. Milner - 139-44 Age limit (legislation), 140, 143; Apprenticeship, 142. Bibliographic aids, 139. [Dangerous and immoral work, 142, 143. Education and child labor, 141, 144. Factory inspection laws (in gen- eral), 143; Factory inspectors, List of states having, 144; Factory inspectors' reports, 139; Factory laws (in general), 143. General references, 139. Hours of labor, 140, 141,143. Labor bureaus, List of states having, 144 ; Legislation (in general) , 142. Meal time, 143. Special places (Factories, Mills, Mines, Tobacco industries, Other places), 140; Statistics, state, 140, 141; Statistics, U. S., 141. Wages, 140, 141.
1 .ord, - 567-76
Arbitration (industrial), 568; Almshouses, 572; Art and amusements. 570; Authorities consulted, 575. Books referred to, 573; Boys' clubs, 572. Charities: situation, 567; Charities, indiscriminate, 569; Charity organization, 569; Child-labor, 572; Child-saving, 572; Clubs, 571; Church, 570; Com- petition. 567 ; Cooperation, 568. Defective classes (blind, deaf, dumb, feeble-minded), 571 ; Delin- quent classes, 571 ; Dependent classes, 572 ; Domestic service, 570. Education, 568 ; Environment, 570. Factory system, 567; Free libraries, 570; Fresh air fund, 572; Friendly visiting, 569. George Junior Republic, 572. Heredity, 569; Home education, 571 ; Home libraries, 572 ; Hospi- tals, 571 ; Housing, 570. Immigration question, 568; Industrial conditions, Bad, 567; Insane, 571 ; Intemperance, 569. Kindergartens, Free, 572 ; Labor bureaus of statistics, 568; Labor colonies, 568; Labor legislation: eight-hour day, 568; Labor question, 567; Labor of women, 567; Land nationalization, 567; Lodging houses, 570. Manual training, 569; Medical relief, 570; Money and trade, Changes in, 567 ; Municipal and state ownership, 568. Nationalism, 568. Old-age pensions, 569; Outdoor T'J. indoor relief, 569. Parks and playgrounds, 570; Philanthropists, 572; Poor laws, 569; Poor relief, 569; Poverty, Cause of and remedies for, 567-9; Poverty: Condition of things, 567; Profit sharing, 568; Prostitutes, 571 ; Public baths, 570. Relief in work, 568. Salvation army, 568; Sanitation and ventilation, 570; Savings, Encouragement of, 569; Sensuality, 570; Socialism, 568 ; Social settlements, 571; State bureaus of charity, 569; Statistics: use and value, 567 ; Strikes, 568 ; Sweating, 567. Taxation, 567; Trade Unions, 568 ; Tramps, 571. Unemployed,
568; University extension, 571. Wages, 567.