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420, 421, 423, 425, 719, 721, 872, 873, 874, 875] ; (see also Census, International law, Women ; Labor Department, 378, 479, 631 ; 6* 139-44, 5?6; State Department, br 426; Treasury Department,

- 'I).

Upton, J. K., 88, 93; Ursemahn. M. W.. b,- 424. VACANT-LOT CULTIVATION: Salvation Army &,

ab 127.

Vaccaro, M. A., ab 712, 6r 876. Vandamme, 237; Vandevelde, Emile, b 408; Van-

laer, Maurice, ab 551 ; Vareilles-Sommieres,

Comte de, be 875.

VARIATION : in male & female compared, 37-42. Varney, mb 252; Vazelle, A., br 133, 876, be 133 >

Veditz, C. W. A., a 206-15, r 269. VENICE: [be 421, 869, 872]. Verein f. Socialpolitik, be 134, 875; Vergara,

Manuel, 16; Verhandlung, be 417, 424. Vetillard, Jean, be 874 ; Verstraete, Maurice, be 721.

( br 714, 720, 870], Vierkandt, Alfred, br i?o: Vierordt, 48; Vignes,

1. H. M.,br 133,425; Vila. 214. VILLAGE COMMUNITIES: [be 130, 422]. Vince, C. A., 60874; Vincent G. E., mb 103, r

544, 858, 6 575, be 7=0; Viollet Paul, be 875. Virchow, 45. VIRGINIA: | be 871 ]. Virgilii, Filippo. 60 131. VITAL STATISTICS: programme & bibliography,

mb 101 ; wealth and longevity, 116; degenera-

tion of noble families, 118, [ac 137]. Vivekananda, Swami, be 419; Vivian, Herbert, be


VIVISECTION: [ac 727]. Vogel. Julius, 308; Volkswirtschaft Gesellschaft,

be 132, 422; Volkswirthschaftliche Zeitfragen,

6e 717.

VOTING: [ac 431].

Voltaire, 525 ; VonWietersheim, 452; Vrooman,

inb 104. '

Wachsmuth, G. K.. be 721 i Waffle, A. E., be 134. WAGES: passing of the wage system, 118; [ac

727; be 131, 422, 716, 874) ; (see also Labor). Wagner, 464; Wagner, Adolph, 60131,871; br

ane. C, 94-6. 360, 363, 364, 373 ; Waitz, G., 123; Waitz, Gerland, 765, 767,774; Wakemann, H. O., 6r 4 2 4 ; Walcker, Karl, 60422; Walis-

zewski, K., br 421, 874; Walker, 80, 89-91, 94,

356; Walker, F. A., br 419. bs 575; Walker, H.

de R., be 717: Wallace, A. R., 38, 39, br 718;

Walras, 267; Walsh, W., be 718; Walsh, W. S., '-]6g; Waltenrath, W. K., 60717; Walther,

Max, 60 720; Wappaeus, 55. WAR: as a unifying element, 832. Ward, mb 107; Ward, L. F., mb 109; 6 no, 164;

r 265 ; a 520-36, 649. 701, 859 ; a6 861 ; br 425 ;

6c 720; Waring, G. E., 276; 60 714: Warner, A.

G., mb 105, 106, 479,615, 6*575: Warner, Fran-

cis, 43 ; Warren, H. C., br 718 ; Warwick, C. F.,

601, 610, 611, 613. WATER SUPPLY : programme & bibl,ography, mb

250; how regarded by municipalities, 838; [ab

137, 6c 134]. Waterman. L. D., bs 576.

WATERWAYS: [6 137); (s?e also Canals).

Watson, John, 6 r .

WKALTM: Social, vs. property, 98; present ine- quality as to, 116; possessed to a great extent by dolichocephalic people, 861; [ac 137, 431,727; 60 134,422, 876].

Webb, mb 252; Webb, M. de P., 60 420; Webb,

Sammlung, 60 418 ; Westermarck, E., 32, 37 ; mb !03> 754. ?6i; Westphal, Phpp., 60 422; Weyl, Thdr., 60 718; Weyl, W. E., bs 575; Wheeler, B. I., 709; White, j6 106; White, Horace, bs 576; White, H. A., br 621; White, William, br 493; Whitelegge, B. A., 53; Whitman, C. S., 60 421 ; Whitman, Walt, 505, 818; Whittick, W. A., bo 422; Wiederhall, Ernst, bo 876; Wiener Communal -Kalender, bo 870; Wiggin, Mrs. K. D., bs 575; Wilberforce, William, bs 573; Wil- bert, P. F., be 874; Wilcox, D. F., br 418, 714; Wilken, G. A. ,760; Wilkinson, J.fcF., b 575, 576; Will, T. E., ac 140, 395-404; bs 576; Will- cox, W. F., bo 426; Wiley, F. O., bo 716; Wil- liams, E. F., br 132; Willmann, Otto, br 131, he 419; Willoughby, W. F., bs 139, 575; Willy, Pastor, bo 134; Wilson, mb 251 ; Wilson, G. R., bs 5755 Wilson, J. G.,bc 131; Winckel, 56; Wines, F. H., br 134, mb 257, 6 265, 06 272, bs 575, 6r72i; Winsor, J., be 421, br 874; Wip- permann, Karl, be 131, 874.

WISCONSIN: 378, 479, 631 ; bs 139-44.

Wisler, 315; Wolf, Julius, 699; Wolff, Gust., be 715; Wolff, Herm., bo 419; Wolff, H. W., br 422, b3 576; Wolkonsky, Prince, br 421; Wolt- mann, Ludw., be 870.

WOMEN: labor of, statistics, 355-77; fitness of, for philanthropic work, 562-4; work of and com- forts for at National Cash Register factory, 744-5; [ac 137, 727, 880; be 130, 134, 713, 721, 870]; (see also Sex).

WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE. "Woman and the Re- public; a survey of the woman suffrage move- ment in U. S.," b 406.

Woodbridge, A. L., as 140; Woodruff, C. R., a 601-13 ; Woods, R- A., mb 101, 107, 174, 255, 256; 6*575; Woodward, C. M., bs 57-;; Wool- sey, mb 103; Woolsey, A. H., bs 575; Worms, Rene, ab 123. 210; b 258, 259, 261, 264,701; br 422, 425; Wright, Ashur, "757; Wright, C. D., 84, 85, 89, 96, 97, 98, 99; mb 103, 183, 185, 187, 205, 355~77 629 ; bs 575 ; Wuann. Louis, br 425 ; Wundt, William, br 419, be 715.

WiJKTEMBERG \ be 426.

Wycoff, W. A., br 716; Wylie, J. H., be 874.

WYOMING : 378, 479, 631.

Yeo, I. B.. be 721 ; Young, Arthur.br 874; Young,

E., bo 869; Yung, 34. Zanzucchi, Ferd., bo 717; Zarli, Alb., bo 715;

Zehender, Wilh., 6c 424 ', Zeitschrift fiir Social -

wissenschaft, 699. Zenker, E. V., b 704, br 721 ; Zimmermann,

Alfred, br 874; Zini, Zino, 60721; Zwiede-

neck-Siidenhorst, 874.

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