Lombroso C. et G. Fcrrero. La Femme Criminelle
et la Prostitute, tr. de 1'italicn. P., lib. F.
Alcan. 679 pp. 8vo. Lombroso, Caesar. Etudes de sociologie: les anar-
chistes, traduit de la a edition italienne. P.,
lib. Flammarion. F. 3.50. Morrison, W. D. Juvenile offenders. N. Y., D.
Appleton & Co. 317 pp. iamo. $1.50.
(PSM., My. ++) (AJS.,Mr.)* Sighele, Scipio. Psychologic des Auflaufs u. der
Massenverbrechrn. peutsch. v. Hans Ku-
rella. Dresden, C. Reissner. 216 S. 8vo. M. 5. La delinquenza settaria : appuntidi socio-
logia. Miliano, fratclli Treves tip. edit. 278
pp. i6mo. L. 3.
Education. Brath, S. de. The foundations of success ; a plea
for rational education. L., Philip & Son.
(Athenaeum, My. 8. + )* Campbell, L. & Abbott, Evelyn. Life & letters of
Benjamin Jowett. N. Y., E. P. Button & Co.
2 vols. por. pi. facsim. 8vo. $10. Comenius, J. A. School of infancy : an essay on
the education of youth during the first six years.
L., Ibster. 114 pp. 8vo. S. 2, 6. Congres international de 1'enseignement superieur,
tenu a Lyon, 1894. Lyon, A. H. Storck. 284
pp. 410.
Emerson, Edwin. The college yearbook & ath- letic record for the academic year, 1896-7. N.
Y., Stone & Kimball. 592 pp. i2mo. $2. Hawtrey, Mabel. Coeducation of the sexes. N.
Y., New Amsterdam Book Co. 119 pp. 8vo.
$1.25. Spencer, F. Chapters on the aims & practice of
teaching. N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 284 pp.
8vo. $1.75. Thilo, Amalie. Die Erziehung des Menschen.
Wien, G. Szelinski. 123 S. 8vo. M. 2.
Family. Brouardel, P. L'infanticide. P., J. B. Bailliere
et fils. 402 pp. 8vo. Family budgets, being the income and expense of
twenty-eight British households, 1891-4. L., King, 1806. 76 pp. 8vo. S. 2, 6. (EcR., Ap. + + ) (PSQ,Mr.+ +)
Finance and Taxation.
Bryan, W. J. The first battle: a story of the cam- paign of 1896. L., Sampson, Low & Co. (Athenaeum, My. 22. )*
Carsughi, Achille. L'imposta progressiva del red- dito. Vallo delta Lucania, stab, tip di Nicola Ferolla. 53 pp. 8vo. L. 0.50.
Conigliani, A. C. Scienza delle finanze. Mo- dena, lit. G. Pizzolotti. 295 pp. 8vo.
De Molinari, G. La viriculture. P., Guillaumin &Cie., 1897. i8mo. (JEc. + +)(DS., Mr. + +) (AMP., My. 4-+-) (JPE.,Mr. +)*
Francois, G. Notes et statistiques sur la question mpnetaire. P., lib. de la Societe du recueil generales des lois et des arrets. 69 pp. 8vo. (EcR. ++) (JEc. Ap. ++) [Careful sta- tistical study with conclusion inclining to bi- metallism.] *
Greene, T. L. Corporation finance : a study of the principles and methods of the management of the finances of corporations in the United States. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 181 pp. i2mo. $1.25.
Handy, W. M. Banking systems of the world, (also) Postal savings banks. C , C. H. Kerr
& Co. 190 pp. I2H10. $1.
History of banking in the leading nations. Com- piled by thirteen authors. Edited by the ed-
itor of the Journal of Commerce and Com
mercial Bulletin, 4 vols. 8vo. (JPE. Mr.
+ + ) [A review of Vol. i only.]* Plehn, C. C. Introduction to public finance. N.
Y., Macmillan Co., 1896. 364 pp. (PSQ.,
Mr. , ) (J [>!;., Mr. - + ]* Theorem, Louis. Les Systemes monetaires. P.,
lib. Leroux. (JEc., Ap. + +)*
Actes de la commune de Paris pendant la Revolu- tion, publics et annotespar Sigismond Lacroix. T. 5. P., lib. Quantin. 763 pp. 8vo.
Alexander III, empereur de Russie. Sebastopol. P., lib. Gautier. 32 pp. 8vp. F. 0.15. (Biblio- theque de souvenirs et recits militaires, No. 2) [The numbers of this series appear weekly.]
Andrews, C. M. The historical development of modern Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the present time. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. 457 pp. 8vo. (YR., My. +)*
Baden- Powell, B. H. The Indian village com- munity. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. 456 pp. 8vo. (YR., My. + ) (EcR., Ap. +)*
Bertolmi, Fr. Storia generate d'ltalia: il rinas- cimento e le signorie italiane, illustrazioni di Lodovico Pogliachi. Miliano, fratelli Treves tip. edit. 575 pp. L. 36.
Blok, P. J. Geschiedenis von het Nederlandsche Volk. Derdedeel. Groningen, Walters, 1896. 548 S. 8vo. F. 6.25. (L., My. i. + +)*
Bourget, Paul. La France et 1'Angleterre en Lgypte. P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 292 pp. i8mo. F. 3.50.
Boutell, L. H. Life of Roger Sherman. C., A. C. McClurg & Co. (Dial, Ap. 16. X)*
Burgess, J. W. The middle period, 1817-58. N. Y,, Scribners, 1897. 544 pp. (Nation, My. 6. - + )*
Caroline, Queen, & others. The court of England under George IV ; founded on a diary, inter- spersed with letters written by Queen Caroline & various other distinguished persons. N. Y., imp. by New Amsterdam Book Co. 2 vols. 8vo. $7.50.
Channing, Edward. The United States of America, 1765-186^. Cambridge, Univ. Press. (Athe- naeum, My. 22. + )*
Colville, J. Byways of history: studies in the social life & rural economy of the olden time. L., Douglas, 334 pp. 8vo. S. 6.
Crooke, W. Northwestern provinces of India; history, ethnology, & administration. L., Methuen, 374 pp. il. 8vo. S. 10, 6.
Davidson, Robert. Geschichte von Florenz. Bd. i. Aeltere Gesch. Br., Mittler & Sohn. 868 S. 8vo. M.S. (L., Ap. 10. + +)*
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt. The suppression of the African slave trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. 335 pp. $1.50. (AAP., My. f +-)*
Dowden, E. The French revolution & English literature: lectures. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 285 pp. i2mp. $1.25.
Eggleston, E. The beginners of a nation; a his- tory of the source and rise of the earliest Eng- lish life & character of the people. L., Long- mans. 392 pp. 8vo. S. 7, 6.
Gardiner, S. R. Cromwell's place in history. Founded on six lectures delivered in the Uni- versity of Oxford. L., Longmans. 128 pp. 8vo. S. 3, 6.
Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Hrsg. v. A. H. L. Heeren, F. A. Ukert, W. V. Giesebrecht u. K. Lamprecht. 58 Lfg. i Abtlg. Gotha,
F. A. Perthes 567 S. 8vo. M n.