ing the past year. At the period of heaviest consumption it was utterly impossible to meet the demands made upon the distribut- ing system in West Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill, and other out- lying districts ; the service was absolutely inadequate to furnish anywhere near a satisfactory quantity of gas at the time of night when it was most needed."
The director made this statement in face of the fact that dur- ing the past ten years the appropriations for extensions have been as follows :
1888 $326,000.00 1893 $250,485.16
1889 316,551.57 1894 375,000.00
1890 318,905.49 ^95 315,102.80
1891 331.550.59 1896 248,601.81
1892 178,523.40
and appropriations for the purchase and laying of pipes for dis- tribution since 1890* as follows:
1890 $ 89,348.12 1894 $132,300.00
1891 96,000.00 1895 130,000.00
1892 100,000.00 1896 122,600.00
1893 115,000.00
He made this statement in the face of the condition of the facts concisely stated by one of the speakers before the sub- committee : that out of the 1239 miles of pipe, 450 miles, or more than 33 % per cent., have been built during the past twelve years, and that they are presumed to be well built, of the proper sort of material, and that during the same period large sums have been appropriated for repairs, and it is only fair to assume that some portions of it have been, or at least ought to have been, used in keeping the other pipes in good condition.
He made his statement in view of the fact, which has been declared on more than one occasion by members of councils and stands today, so far as I have been able to ascertain, uncontra- dicted, that the bureau has commenced to build mains and pipes
1 Prior to this date the appropriations for this purpose were included in another
item, and cannot be definitely determined.