Seal Question : U. S. & the fur seals, D. S. Jordan,
RRN., My. Socialism : Socialism in Italy, D. W. Fisher,
Presbyterian & Reformed Kev., Ap. Le origin! economiche del socialismo secondo i principi della scienza posit iva, R. Murri, RISS., Mr. Sketch of Richard Owen, D. S. Jordan, PSM.,
Je. Une citadelle socialists, J. Van den Heuvel,
RefS., Ap. 16. Le social isme aux Etats-Unis, E. Lavasseur,
RPP.. Ap. Society : Secret societies in America, W. S. Har-
wood, NAR.. My. Le mecanisme de la vie moderne XII, George
d'Avenel. RDM., Ap. 15. Sociology: The genesis of social classes, F. H.
Wines, ChR., Ap.
Some social questions, W. C. Lefroy, ChOR., My. Le solidarisme, la science economique & les
doctrines sociales, Henry Leon, JEc.. My. Social evils & theircure, F. H. Wines, ChR., My. Street Railways: The street railway system of Philadelphia, its history and present condition, F. W. Speirs.JHS., Mr. -My. Street railways and their relation to the public,
C. E. Curtis, YR., My.
Strikes : Die Wahrheit im Streik der Hafenarbeiter & Seeleute in Hamburg im Jahre 1896-7, JGV.,2i:a. Sugar: Sugar the question of the day, Herbert
Myrick, RRN., Je. Taxation of sugar in the U. S., 1789-1861, QJE.,
Suicide: Suicide & environment, R. N. Reeves,
PSM., Je. Sweating System: Die Gesetzgebung gegen das
Sweating System in den Vereinigten Staaten
Nordamerikns, H. L. W., JNS., Ap. Das Sweatingsystem in der Konfektion & die
Vorschlage der Kommission fur Arbeitersta-
tistik, Alfred Weber, ASG., 10:4. Tariff; The Dingley tariff bill, R. P. Porter, NAR.,
Theater: Les questions sociales au theatre, Oscar
D'Araujo, RIS., Ap. Theosophy: The devil in modern occultism, F.
Legge, CoR., My. Trusts: The ultimate trust-cure, Gordon Clark,
A.,Je. Alune forme d! coalizioni industrial! e mcrcantili
nell' eta preseme, G. Adorni, RISS., Mr. The trust and the workingman, Lloyd Bryce,
Cristallisations economiques de notre epoque,
Albert Jaffe, RIS., Mr. Turkey : How the Turks came to Constantinople,
B. J. Clinch. ACQ., Ap. Sultan & the powers, CoR.. My. United States: Our trade relations with Canada,
J. W. Russell, NAR., Je. Cuba, 1'Espagne & les Etats-Unis, Charles
Benoist, RDM., Mv. x.
The grievance of the West, J. H. Hyslop, F., Je. Our diplomatic & consular service, H. H. D.
Peirce, A., My. Common citizenship for the English race, A.U.
Dicey, CoR., Ap. The rationale of congressional extravagance,
Rollo Ogden, YR., My. State constitutions of the American Revolution,
W. C. Webster, AAP., My. France's aid to America in the war of independ- ence, R. H. Clark, ACQ.. Ap. Vital Statistics : Local death rates in England &
Wales in the ten years, 1881-00, T. A. Welton,
Jour, of the Roy. Statistical Soc.. Mr. Water : Sanitation of drinking water, F. J. Thorn- bury, A., My. Waterways: Control of the levels of the great
lakes, W. A. Tones, EM., My. Wealth : Le Probleme de la richesse, Desire Des-
camps, ReS., Ap. Women : Status of woman, past, present & future,
Susan B. Anthony, A., My. The changing status of a married women, J. E.
G. de Montmorency, LQR., Ap. A legal view of women's suffrage in America,
J. A. Webb, ALR., My.-Je.