1. Coal :
Churches: Have we too many churches? A. W.
Quimby, NAR.. Churches, Institutional: For current information
see Open Church.
Cities : Ethical survivals in municipal corruption, JaneAddams, IJE.. Ap.
Woodstock, Vermont, Henry Boynton, New Eng- land Magazine, Mr.
Cities : La municipalisation du sol dans les grandes villes. Luigi Einaudi, DS., F.
Rutland, Vermont, Julia C. R. Dorr, New Eng- land Magazine, Ap.
Brookline: a model town under the referendum, B. O. Flower, A., Ap.
Inquest on the Philadelphia municipal council, Sanitarian, Ap.
County council election, H.L.W.Lawson, FR., F.
Franchises of greater New York, Max West, YR., F.
New plan for the control of quasi public works,
T. D. Forrest, AJS., My.
- Coal is king, Edward Atkinson & E. W.
Parker, New England Magazine, Ap. Consumptives: set Sanitary Science. Commerce: Welt- u. Handelspolitik, Alex. Peez,
Zeitschrift fur Social wissenschaft, Ja. Constitution: Is the constitution outworn? NAR.,
Mr. Consuls : Consular service, 1776-92, E. R. Johnson,
PSQ., Mr.
Cooperation: Esame critico dei principii toerici
delta cooperazione, M. Pantaleoni, GEc., Mr.
Criminology & Penology: Employment of convict
labor in Massachusetts, A., Ap. La criminalitc de la jeunesse, Henri Joly, RefS.,
Mr. 16.
L'instmction criminelle et la nouvelle loi du 13
decembre 1897, Andre" Fournier, RPP., F. 10.
Transportation et colonisation penale a la Nou-
velle-Calcdonie, L. Beauchet. RPP., Mr. 10. La justice penale, P. Lapie, RMM.. Mr. Les etablissements penitentiaires en Autriche-
Hongrie, FreU Levy, RPe.Ja. Evolution de la peine, J. Makarewicz, AAC.,
Mr. is.
Recherches statistiques sur le dcveloppement physique des delinquants, J. Marty, AAC.,
Criminal anthropology in Italy, Helen Zimmern,
PSM., Ap. Cuban Question : United States & Spain, RRN.,
The issue with Spain. RRN., Ap.
Intervention of the United States in Cuba, J. H.
Latane, NAR., Mr. Democracy: Alexis de Toqueville, et la democratic
libeWe, Numa Droz, Zeitschrift fUr Social -
wissenschaft, Ja. Three epochs of democracy & three men.J.C.
Ridpath, A., Ap. Apostate democracy, Franklin Smith, PSM.,
Direct Legislation : see Legislation. Direct. Domestic: New views of domestic service, CM.,
Mr. Preservation of eggs, J. H. Thierot, Sanitarian,
Mr. Utilitc" el'im enseignement scolaire de lacompta*
bilitl personnclle et familiale, RefS., Mr. i. See also Sanitary Science. Drainage: The great drainage canal of Mexico,
Blanche G. Hunt, Cosmopolitan, Ap. Duel: Ursprung des Duells, Georg v. Below,
nion: University study at Berlin ft Oxford, S. H. Bishop, Edit., Ap. American graduate schools, Hjalmar Edgren,
Personal morals & college government, C. F.
Thwing, NAR., Mr. Culture -epoch theory from an anthropological
standpoint, N. C. Vandewalker. EdR., Ap.
Practical methods of teaching history. EdR., Ap,
Elections: A la veille des elections, J. Dracke,
RPP., Mr. 10. Methods of voting: an electoral revolution. W.
H. Howe, FR., Mr. Ethics : Docs justice triumph in the end? A study
of Shakespeares's "Lear," W. L. Sheldon,
Ethical Addresses, D. '97- Ethical motive, F. H. Giddings, IJE., Ap. Self-realization as a working moral principle,
Henry Sturt, IJE., Ap. See also Cities. Ethnology: Racial geography of Europe. Urban
problems, W. Z. Ripley, PSM., Mr. Europe : see Balance of Power. Evolution: Evolution & teleology, J. A. Zahm,
PSM., Ap. Factories: see Labor. Family: Registration of midwives, C. T. Culling-
worth, CoR., Mr. Les bases economiques du matriarcat, Heinrich
Cunow, DS., F.
La famille ideale, Eugene Fourniere, ReS., Mr. " Marriage questions in fiction," Sarah Grande.
FR.,Mr. Ueber friihzeitige Heiraten, deren Vorziige und
Nachteile, Fr. Prinzing, JNS., Mr. Foetal murder: the progressive decrease of the
rate of increase of Am. population, H. R. Sto-
rer, Sanitarian, Mr. Finance: Ein Beitrag zum Kampfe urn die Wan-
ning, Paul Amdt, ZGS., 54: i. Die Nationalschuld der Veremigten Staaten von
Nordamerika, Ernest Bogart, JNS., Ja. Discount rates in the United States, R. M. Bredc-
enridge, PSQ M Mr. Les bourses financieres d'Anvers et de Lyon au
i6 siecle, E. Castelot, JEc., Mr. 15. Prevailing theories in Europe as to the influence
of money on international trade, G. M. Fla-
mingo, YR., F. Essais sur la monnaie, le credit et les banques,
Guil.deGreef, AJS.,4:*. Die Finanzlage der Vereinigten Staaten von
Amerika in den Jahren 1896-07, 1897-98, und
1898-90, Max von Heckcl, JNS., Mr. Proposed reforms of the monetary system, J. F.
Johnson, AAP., Mr.
ithdrawal of the treasury notes of 1890, J. L.
Lniighlin.JPE., Mr. India on a gold basis, W. R. Lawson, CoR.. Ap. Die Internationale Bewegung der Edelmetalle in
den letzten zehn Jahren, W. Lexis, INS- F. Deposit -reserve system of the national bank law,
E/S. Meade.JPE.. Mr. Value of the " greenbacks " during the civil war,
W.C. Mitchell, JPE., Mr. Die gegenwartige Lage der Ixrihamter in Deutsch-
land, W. R. Patterson, JNS., F. Les premiers effets de 1' application de la nouvelle
loi i Allemande sur les bourses, Lionel Puas.
micr, R<<fS., r i. Gold monometallism in Japan, J. Soyeda, PSQ.,
A single standard for the world. A.. Mr. Beginning* of financial independence of the
United States. W. P. Sinus. .IPI -... Mr. Food: Indian corn in colonial times, Alice Morse
Karlc, Cliaiilainni.i--
Question of wheat, W. C. Ford, PSM., Ap. France: Contradictions of modern Fran,.
military paradox, Pierre deCoubenin, FR., Mr. Demoralisation of France, Co K . M> Set mlto Africa.