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Prosperity: The McKinley administration & pros- perity, J. L. Laughlin, F., Jl.

Prosperity; the sham and the reality, J. C. Rid-

path, A., O.

Psychology me, & the comparison of

races, C. H. Cooh

The psycho- physiology of the moral imperative, J. K,Leuba,AJP.,JI.

When character is formed, M. V., O'Shea.PSM.,


Railroads; The rights of the public over the quasi- public services, Walter Clark. A., < >.

Current transportation topics, E. R. Johnson, AAP..S.

A decade in Federal railway regulation, H. T. Newcomb, PSM.,0.

The interstate commerce commission & rate- making, Joseph Nimmo, Jr., F., S.

Diversion of the flour & grain traffic from the

5 real lakes to the railroads, G. G. Tunnell, PE., Je. Referendum: Le referendum suisse, Th. Curti,

RPP., Ag. The referendum in Australia & New Zealand,

Lillian Tomn,CoR Religion: Atheism in religions, J. H. Croaker,

When the " higher criticism " has done its work,

Thomas Davidson, IJE., Jl.

  • Religion as a social force, R. T. Ely, Christian

Quarterly, Jl. (AJS., S.) La relation de la philosophic au mouvement

religieuxdu temps present, R. Eucken, RMM.,

Some aspects of Islam, Albert Reville, NW., S. Movement of religious thought in Scotland, 1843-

06, R. M. WenTey, NW., S.

Russia: The supremacy of Russia, Thomas David- son, F., S.

Triumph of the Cossack, Diplomaticus, FR., O.

Apergus sur le present et 1'avenir de 1'etat eco-

nomique de la Russie, A. A. Issaieff, DS.,


A Russian experiment in self-government,

George Kennan, Atlantic, O. Les transformations sociales de la Russie con- temporaine, Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, RDM., Ag. i, S. i.

Salvation Army : The farm colonies of the Salva- tion Army, F. de L. Booth-Tucker, F., Ag. Sanitary Science: *Public baths in Europe, E.

M. Hartwell, BDL., Jl. (AJS., N.) What women have done for the public health,

Edith P. Thompson, F., S. Health & economics, F. J. van Vorhis, S., Ag. How to live 100 years, J. E. Watkins, S., S. See also Cities. Science: The international catalogue of scientific

literature, Cyrus Adler, Sc., Ag. 6. Science at the University of Chicago, F. Starr,

PSM.,0. Settlements: Scientific value of the social settle -

ments.H. F. Hegner, AJS., S. University settlements in England, Joseph King,

ZGS.Jl. Sexes : On a difference in the metabolism of the

sexes, W. I. Thomas, AJS., Jl. Shipping: Our need of merchant vessels, E. T.

Chamberlain, F., O. Single Tax: Anticipating the unearned increment,

I. W. Hart, A., S.

The single tax in operation, H. H. Lusk, A., Jl. Socialism: De la proprietc individuelle dans le

collectivisme, Justin Alavaill, ReV., Jl. Le budget de Petal collectiviste, Maurice Block,

AMP., Je.

La lutte contre le socialisme en Allemagne, H. Elray, RPP, Ag.

De la definition du socialisme, A. Hamon, L'Hu- manite nouvelle, Jl.

Statistics versus socialism, W. T. Harris, F., O.

Le socialisme suivant les races, G. Le Bon, RPh., Jl.-Ag.

Socialism in France from 1876-96, Paul La- fargue, FR., S.

Le socialisme agraire au parlement Beige, Ad. de Linnberg, Revue sociale catholique, Jl.

Le socialisme en Roumanie, Gh. Marculescu, L'Humanite nouvelle, Jl.

Y-a-t-il incompatibility entre la republique et le ^socialisme? E. Martineau, RPP., Jl.

Collectivisme, communisme, social -democratic et anarchisme. Saverio Marlino, ReS., Je.

Recent socialistic experiments. GM., S.

Une these socialiste en Sorbonne, Georges Re- nard, ReS., Jl.

Die sozialistischen Parteien Frankreichs nach R.

Schiiller, ZGS..J1. Socialism, Christian: Le socialisme Chretien, G.

de Puynode, JEc., Ag.

Society, Contemporary: A Massachusetts shoe town, A. F. Sanborn, Atlantic, Ag.

The future of rural New England, A. F. San- born, Atlantic, Jl.

Sociology: *Les bases psychologiques de la soci- ology, Edouard Abramowski, RIS., S., (AJS.,

The psychology of social organization, J. M,

Baldwin, PsR., S. La science & 1'art en sociologie, L. Beaurin-

Gressier, RIS., Je. Le leggi agrarie e la questione sociale nell antica

Roma, Antonio Boggiano, RISS., Ag. Les monographies de communes, E. Cheysson,

RefS., S. if

  • Process of social change, C. H. Cooley, PSQ.,

Mr. (AJS., S.)

  • Conflict of races, classes & societies, G. Fia-

mingo, M., Ap., (AJS., S.) A programme for social study, I. W. Howerth,

AJS.,J1.-S. The science of humanity, W. J. McGee, AA.,

Ag. The conception of society as an organism, J. E.

McTaggart, IJE.,J1. Some of the leading ideas of Comte's positivism,

S.H. Mellone, IJE.,O.

Our social & ethical solidarity, Edmund Mont- gomery, IJE., O. La sensibilita e la condizione sociale, S. Ottolen-

ghi, RilS., S.

  • La renovation sociale et 1'Ecole historique, G.

de Pascal, AC., S. (AJS., N.) II compito della sociologia' fra le scienze sociali,

Vilfredo Pareto, RilS., Jl. Programme, RilS., Jl.

La vie & la socialite. E. de Roberty, RIS., Je.

  • The mob mind, E. A. Ross, PSM., Jl. (AJS.,

Social control, E. A. Ross, AJS., Jl.-S.

Les idees sociales de John Ruskin, RPP., Ag.

L'annee sociologique frangaise 1896, F. Simiand,

RMM..J1. Meaning of the sociological movement, A. W.

Small, AJS. N. The sociologist's point of view, A. W. Small,


Sociology in Russia, YR., Ag. Storia giuridica e sociologia, N. Tamassia,

RilS.TS. Scienza ideale e scienzapositiva in sociologia, V.

Tangorra, RilS., S. Man as a member of society, P. Topinard, M.,

Jl.-O. Tarde's sociological theories, Gustavo Tosti,

PSQ., S.

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