< Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu
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Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star prefixed to a title indicates that it was taken from a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithmetical signs* following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X, uncertain ; +, favorable ; , unfavorable; + , favorable, but with reservations ; + , unfavorable,

but with commendation ; + 4- , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + H , very favorable, but with

reservations ; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth or other inexpensive binding.

Anthropology. Miiller, F. Max. Contributions to the science of

mythology. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co.

(Dial. Je. i. -H-)* Ratzel, Friedrich. The history of mankind, tr.

N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1896. 486 pp. pi.

map.il. $4. (AAP., My. +-) Vierkandt, Alfr-d. Naturvofker & culturvolker.

Lp., Duncker & Humblot, 1896. 498 S. 8vo.

M. 10.80. (Ap. 17. ++)*

Biology, Evolution, Science. Clodd, E. Pioneers of evolution from Thales to Huxley ; with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement. N. Y., Ap-

pleton. 274

Tamo. $i.

'4 pp. por. Hertwig, Oscar. The biological problem. N. Y.,

The Macmillan Co. (Dial.Je. x. + -) (NS.,

O. ++)* Morgan, C. Loyd. Habit & instinct. N. Y.,

Arnold. (Dial.Je. i. + +) (Nation, My. 13. + )

[Inclines to view that only certain aptitudes

are inherited.]* Romanes. Life & letters of George John Romanes.

N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 360 pp. 8vo.

(Dial, Ap. 16. + ) (Sc., N. '96- + + )* Seth, A. Man's place in the cosmos, & other es- says. L., Blackwood. 318 pp. 8vp. S. 7, 6. Smyth, Newman. The place of death in evolution.

N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 227 pp. tamo.



Mass. Xx>mmission to investigate the public, charitable & reformatory interests ft iiiMiiu- tions of the commonwealth. Rer*> 1897. B., Wright & Potter. 64 pp. (ChR., Ap.

Meyer, George. Das Samariter- u. Rettungswesen im Deutschen Reiche. Miinchen, Seitz & Schauer. 46 S. 8vo. M. i.

Sales, Saint Francis de. Oeuvres. Edition com- pletes. T. 8. P., lib. Lecoffre. 448 pp. F. 8.

Schafcr, Thdr. Kalendar der inneren Mission. Fur Geschichtsfreunde, Prediger u. Lehrer. Giitersloh, C. Bertelsmann. 150 S. 8vo. M. 2.50.


Booth, Charles. Life & labour of the people in Lon- don. Vols. 8 & 9. L., The Macmillan Co. (four. Roy. Statist. Society, Mr. + )

Deschamps, P. De Paris au soleil de minuit. P., lib. Leroux. 508 pp. 8vo.

Donald, Robert. Municipal yearbook of the United Kingdom. L., H. Marshall. 8vo.


Goodnow, F. J. Municipal problems. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1897. (Nation, My. 13. - + )*

London health laws. Manual of the law affect* ing the housing & sanitary condition of Lon- doners with special reference to the dwellings of the poor. L., Cassell. 222 pp. 8vo. S. 2.

Speirs, F. W. The street-railway system of Phila- delphia, its history & present condition. Bal- timore, Johns Hopkins Press. 123 pp. $i.

Criminology and Penology. Binding, Karl Grundriss des gemeinendeutscheo Strafrechts. II Besond. Theil. i Hafte. Lp.. Engelmann, 1896. 306 S. 8vo. M. 6. (L,

FerrianVc/L. MinderiJihrige Verbrecher. Ver-

such einer strafrecht lichen Psychologic. Br.,

Cronbach, 1806. 500 S. 8vo. M. 8. (L.,

'The bibliographical matter in this volume will average 16 pp. per number. It will be paged independently and with the last issue of the volume a separate title-page and index will be furnished, to that the bibliography may be bound vpamtcly or at the end of the volume, as preferred. For the use of librarian* and workers in the social sciences separate reprints of the bibliography will be furnished.

Attention it here called to the bibliographical matter published in the first two vols., vis. : Tkr Province of Sociology (syllabus with references), Vol. i, pp. 437-91 ; Socialistic Thought in Kmgiund (syllabus with reference*), Vol. a, pp. 643-61 : A Prorramme for Social Study (with references on 30 topics), Vol. a, p. 869, Vol. 3, p. too. Nrw Rooks, Vol. a, pp. 158,. 333, 752, 895. Articles in Peri- odicals, Vol. i, pp. 653, 804 ; Vol. t , pp. 162. 336, 763, 895.

The idea of using such signs to indicate the trend of a review originated with the Library School at Albany, N. Y.


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