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Political Science: Studies in political areas, II,

FriedrichRatzel,AIS.,Ja. See also Education, trance. Population : The proportion of children, W. A.

King, PSQ., D.

La question de la population et la civilisation democratique, Paul Lcroy Beaulieu, RDM., O. 15.

See also France. Postal Savings Banks : Postal savings banks, BM.,

Ja.,p. io&37. See also t mance.

Poverty: An inquiry into poverty, Charity Or- ganization Society of N. Y., ASA., D. The causes of poverty, F. A. Walker, Century,

Statistical study in causes of poverty, A. M.

Simons, AIS., Mr. Primaries: The nominating ballot, L. G. Me-

Conachie. Outlook, Ja. is. Prisons : ser Criminology & Penology. Production: The relation of production to produc- tive capacity, C. D. Wright, F., N. & F. Property: Christianity & property : bibliography of literature containing Christian teachings & ideas on ownership, G. D. Herron, Commons, Ja. Psychology : Analyse psychologique de 1'idee de

devoir, Dugas, RPh.,O. Danger of experimental psychology, Hugo

Miinsterberg, Atlantic, F. Quarantine : The quarantine system of the United

States, Walter Wyman, S., N.

  • Railroads: Administration of Prussian railroads,

B. H. Meyer, AAP., N. (AJS., Ja.) The present railway situation, H. T. Newcomb,


The failure of legislation to enforce railway com- petition, H. T. Newcomb, EM., D. Railway pooling, from the people's point of view,

Charles A. Prouty, F.. D. La nationalisation des chemins de fer en Suisse,

F. Ruedi, ReS., O. & N. Railroads vs. Canals, J. A. Latcha, NAR., F. Referendum : The initiative & the referendum, E.

F. Barker, A., N.

Symposium on direct legislation, G. \V. Perkins,

W. E. H. Lecky, & others, New Time, Ja., F.

Representation does not represent, Eltweed Pom-

eroy, New Time, D. Le referendum en France et le futur programme

du parti progressiste, RPP., N. 10. Symposium on direct legislation, J. P. St. John

& others, New Time, p. Religion: A Moslem's view of the Pan -Islamic

revival, Rafiuddin Ahmad, NC., O. The new religion of the Iroquois, W. M. Beau-

champ.^Jour. of Am. Folk -Lore, S. Place of immortality in religious belief, J. E.

Carpenter, NW., D.

On the philosophical basis of Christianity in its relation to Buddhism, Rudolf Eucken, M., Ja. Reason in religion, C. C. Everett, NW., D. La place du totcmisme dans 1'evolution religieuse a propos d'un livre recent, II, F. B. Jevons, Revue de 1'histoire des religions, D. "The evolution of the idea of God," Andrew

Lang, CoR., D. How the Bible came down to us, C. H. Levy,

RRN..D. A new study of natural religion, W. H. Mallock.

FR.,N. Etudes sur 1'evolution des religions, Elie Reclus,

HN.,Ja. Contributions to thepsychology of religion, E. D.

Starbuck, AIP.,0.

Religion of China & Mexico compared, James Wickersham, Am. Antiquarian, N.

The evolution of religion, J. W. Powell, M.. la. Essential nature of religion, L. F. Ward, IJE.Ja. See also Biography. Russia: The first Russian census, E. J. Dillion,

CoR., D. On the present condition of Russia, P. Kropot-

kin, Outlook. Ja., 8. The coming of the Slav, George Washburn,

CoR., Ja. Salvation Army: The farm & the city, Walter

Besant, CoR., D.

Sanitary Science : American Medical Association bill to establish a department of public health,

American Public Health Association proceed- ings.^.^.

Preventive medicine in the city of New York, H. M. Biggs, S., N.

School hygiene in its mental, moral, & physical aspects, James Kerr, Jour. Roy. Stat. Soc., S.

Determination quantitative de la ration alimen- taire de rhomme, S. Lapicque, Revue men- suelle de 1'Ecole d'anthropologie de Paris, D.

See also Domestic, Quarantine. Science: Recent science, Prince Kropotkin, NC.,

The life history of scientific ideas, Gustave

LeBon, PSM., D. Seal Question: Fur seals, the American case,

CoR., D. Expert testimony in the Bering Sea controversy,

T. C. Mendenhall, PSM., N. The Behring Sea dispute, H. W. Wilson, FR.,

Secret Societies: Secret societies & the state, J. M.

Foster, A., F. Settlements: College Settlement Assoc., eighth

annual report, Commons, Ja. Les "College settlements, M. Cremnitz, RP.,

O. 10. The relation of the church to the settlement,

Clarence Gordon, Commons, N. Latest list of settlements, Commons, N. Shipping: British & foreign shipping, Investors'

Review, N. Ship -building as a productive industry in Great

Britain, James McKechnie, EM., D. The commercial value of the shipyard, Lewis

Nixon, NAR., N. Single Tax: Single tax & labor, J. C. Bradshaw,

New Time, J a. The justice of the single tax, W. M. Salter,

Ethical Adresses, S. On the doctrines of Henry George, Count Tolstoi,

RRN.,Ja. See also Biography. Socialism : Socialism & individualism, a challenge

& an eirenicon, Sidney Ball, EcR., O. Revue du mouvement socialiste, J. Bourdeau,

RPP., N. 10. Le cinquieme congres socialiste italien, Eude-

mone, ReS., N.

  • Le socialismeen Italic, Giovanni Lerda, DS., S.

(AJS., Ja.) L'utopie et 1'ideal socialistesau parlement Beige,

A. Meyers, Revue Sociale Catholique, N. i. Le regime socialiste, Georges Renard, ReS.,

O.&N. Congres de la democratic socialiste allemande,

H. Thurow, ReS., N. Socialism & Christian : Les phases du mouvement

social chretien, La-Tour-Du-Pin Chambly,

AC.,N. 15. Sociology: Die sociale Entwicklung der fiihrenden

Volker Europas in der neueren und neuesten

Zeit . . . Kurt Breysig, JGV., 20: 4.

  • Psychology of social organization, J. M. Bald-

win, PsR.,S. (AJS.,Ja.)

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