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Charities : Fresh air charity, W. S. Ufford. ChR.,


Pauper problem in America, F. deLatour Booth- Tucker, ChR., Ap. Charity & home making, Mary E. Richmond,

ChR., Ap. The modern charity worker, F. G. Peabody,

ChR., Mr. Public relief in Denmark, C. H. d'E. Lepping-

ton, ChOR . The service of the poor: past & present ideals,

ChOR., Ap. The development of the day nursery idea, Mrs.

A. M. Dodge. Outlook, May i. A propagator nf pauperism: the dispensary, G.

F. Shrady, F., Je. The municipal charities of Oxford, W. A.

Spponer, EcR., Ap.

Arraignment of organized charities, GM., Je. Children: Pauper children in New Hampshire,

E. G. Buraham, ChR., Mr. Child Saving: Child labor, Florence Kelley,

ChR.. Mv.

Children of the other half, W. I. Hull, A., Je. Child Study: Die Kinderpsychologie in England & Nordamerika, Frederick Tracy, Die Kinder- fehler, 2: 2. Christianity : Jesus the ideal man, J. M. Whiton,

NW.Je. Churches: The signs of the times & the churches,

Josiah Strong, ChR., Mr. The situation in Rome, \V. J. D. Croke, ACQ.,

Ap. Hints on church reform: a reiteration, x, Dr.

Jessopp, Christian Literature, Ap. Fret church unity: the new movement, i, H. P.

Hughes, Christian Literature, Ap. IsChristianity fitted to become the world religion ?

J. H. Barrows, AJT., Ap. Pope and the archbishops, Robert Rainy, CoR.,


Free church in England, R. F. Horton. FR., Ap. L't-glise et la France moderne, le due de Broglie,

RDM., My. 15. Cities: Paris the magnificent, H. H. Ragan,

Chamauquan, Je. The citizen & his city: the city & its citizen,

J. B.Thacher, A., My. Municipal conditions in California, J. D. Phelan,

A.,)e. Competition: The new German law of unfair

competition, J. F. Iselin. LQR., Ap. Constitutional Law: Limits of constitutional law,

nasThacher, YR., My.

Cooperation : Cooperative stores in the U. S., Ed- ward Cummings, QJE., Ap.

Crete: Crete &the Cretans, E. I. Dillon, FR., My. Cretan struggles for liberty./. Gennadius, CoR..

Crete', an object lesson, Malcolm MacColl, FR.,

Criminology ft Penology: In there a criminal type? Gustave Tarde, ChR., Ap.

Criminology & the university curriculum, F. H.

L'^ducation oorrectionnelle en Angleterre, L.

Riviere. RPe , Ap. Crime in England. OR., Ap.

I'.nir ,: n , ... ' . in 1 r.iti - , v ' S.t.ssr

en An Inln.'prrtri'

lison, Jour, of the R.iy.-i: Cuba: Real condition of Cuba today, Stephen

.-.ai. KRN..MV.

Domestic S-

My. on the Bosphorus, Capt.

Education : Degrees for women, J. F. Tanner,

FR., My.

Teachers' pensions, Eliz. A. Allen, RRN., Je. Science as an instrument of education, M. P. E.

Berthelot, PSM.Je. Woman suffrage & education, H. K. Johnson,

PSM., Je. Ce que pensent les professeurs Allemands de

1'admission des femmes dans les universitcs,

M. G. Valben, RDM., Ap. i. Courses of study in the elementary schools of the

U. S., T. R. Croswell, Pedagogical Seminary,

Ap. Elections: How to reform the primary -election

system, Edward Insley, A., Je. Les dernieres elections en Autriche, K. V., ReS.,


Les elections in Italic, Eudemone, ReS., Ap. Electricity: Epoch-making events in electricity,

G. H. Stockbridge, EM., My.-Je. Ethnology: Genius, fame & the comparison of

races, C. H. Cooley, AAP., My. Ethics: Religious teaching & the moral life, C. R.

Grant & others, A., Je. Why are betting & gambling wrong? A. T. Bar-

nett, ER., Ap. Standpoint & method of ethics, James Seth,

PhR., My. An analysis of the good, H. M. Stanley, PhR.,

My. Genesis of the ethical self, J. M. Baldwin, PhR.,

My. Essai sur les fondements de la religion & de la

morale, A. Spir, RMM., My. Europe: L'Europe & la question cretoise, X.

RDL, 29:1.

Concert of Europe. CoR., My. Evolution: Human evolution, IV, G. A. Reid,

NS., My.

The true evolution, Editor, A., Je. Exposition of 1900: Importance of the universal

exposition of 1900, J. C. Charpentier, EM., Je. Family: Paternite & seduction, Albert Gigot,

RefS.,My. 16. La femme Chinoise dans la famille & dans la

socicte, Maurice Courant, RDM., My. i. Finance: Le commerce et la monnaie en Chine.

Ch. Letourneau, R1S., Ap. Silver in China, T. Williams, AAP., M v. Steadily appreciating standard, C. M. Walsh,

QJE., Ap. Safety of the legal tender paper, C. F. Dunbar.

QJE., Ap.

La fonction ccouomique de la Bourse. Contri- bution a la thcoric de la valeur, Paul Lafargue,

DS., Ap. Die preise in den Jahren 1895 u. 6 vergleichen

mil dm Vorjahren, 1. C., JNS., Ap. Italian tinnn<-e. Cornells Rozenraad, Jour, of the

Instimteof Bankers, My. Silver prices in India. F. J. Atkinson, Jour, of

the Royal Statistical So The monetary questions and kindred topics, A.

A. Taillon, Jour, of the Canadian Banket*'

Assoc., Ap. The early history of Canadian banking, Adam

Shorn, Jour. oJ the Canadian Bankers' Assoc.,

Ap. Le contrule des finance de 1'etat. Emmanuel

BeMon, RPP., Ap. Le renouveMement du privilege de la

K-nc Vivinni. ReS.,Ap.-My. France: L'cvolnzionesociale in r't.m ... r. Dehon, . Ap.

ling in, Alfred Paissnt, RefS., Ap. i6-Mv. i.

Garbage Disposal: Vexed question of garbage

il.spov.l. Ru.lolph Hcr.nj... KM. .Jr.

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