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Finance : Relation of postal savings banks to com -

mercial banks, J. H. Hamilton, AAP., Ja. The silver situation in India, J. C. Harrison,

PSQ., D. Monetary statistics of the leading countries,

Ottomar Haupt, Jour, of Finance, N. Gold, labor & commodities a* standards of value,

A. H. Hyde, JPE., D. The legislation of 1897 specially affecting or

interesting to banks, Z. A. Lash, Jour, of

Canadian Bankers' Ass' n. O. Le regne de 1'argent La psychologic de la

bourse, le jeu et Pagiotage, Anatole Leroy-

Beaulieu, RDM, D. 15.

Les marches financiers de I'Allemagne, Raphael- Georges Levy, RDM., N. 15. Production of gold since 1850, E. S. Meade,

JPE., D.

The national finances, A. D. Noyes, PSQ., D. La question monetairc en 1897. La mission V\ ol-

cott. JEc., N. 15. International indebtedness of the United States

in 1789, W. P. Sterns, J PE., D. Texas view of gold appreciation, GM., D. The future of bimetallism, G. G. Vest, F., Ja. Why Canada is against bimetallism, B. E.

Walker, Jour, of Canadian Bankers' Ass'n, O. On value: in relation to gold & silver, Robert

White, Jour, of Finance, N. See also Credit. Food: La question du pain en 1897,' Georges

Graux, RPP., O. 10. Das Brot und die bffentliche Gewalt, F. v. W.,

Das Leben, O. France: La geographic sociale de la France,

Edmond Demolins, SS., O.-N. La crise morale des temps nouveaux, SS., Ja. La depopulation de la France, lettre a Marcel

Fournier, E. Levasseur, RPP., O. 10. La societe provenc.ale a la fin du moyen age

d'apres des documents inedits, Charles de

Ribbe, RefS., O. 16. Administrative centralization & decentralization

in France, J. T. Young, AAP., Ja. See also Commerce, Taxation. Friendly Visiting: see Charities. Garbage: Disposal of garbage & refuse, Rudolph

Herring, SL D. Gas: see Philadelphia. George Junior Republic: The Junior republic,

f. R. Commons, AJS., N.-Ja. Official investigation of the George Junior

Republic, AJS., Mr., p. 708. The George Junior Republic, W. I. Hull, AAP.,

Jl. (AJ., S.) Germany: Industrial advance of Germany. M. G.

Mulhall,NAR.,Ja. The importation of German, Leslie Stephen,

National Review, D. See also Commerce. Girls' Friendly Societies: L'union Internationale

des amies de la jeune fille, G. Chastand, RCS.,

Grain : Die Epochen der Getreidehandelsverfassung u. -politik, Gustav Schmoller, JGV., 20:3.

Great Britain : Les trois elements de la societe"

anglaise, Edmond Demolins, SS., D. See also Commerce, Education, Navies, Ship- ping.

Hawaii: Unconstitutionality of the Hawaiian

treaty, Daniel Agnew, F., D. Hawaiian annexation from a Japanese point of view, Keijiro Nakamura, A., D.

Heredity: I>es theories neo-Lamarckiennes, F. Le Dantec, RPh., N.

History: Le congres des historiens allemands a Innsbruck et la science de 1'histoire en Al- lemagne, G. Blondel, RH., D.

iUniti, E. Levasseur,

History: American historical novel, . P. L. 1 Ford,

Atlantic, D.

See also Biography, Names of Countries. Holyoke: The city of Holyoke, E. L. Kirtland,

New England Mag., F. Hours of labor: see Labor.

Housing: Six years' work under the housing act of 1890, Edward Bowmaker, New Century Rev., N. Le logement et Palimentation populaires, Ernest

Brelay, RefS., O. 16. Recent progress in the housing of the poor, C.

H. Denyer, EcJ., D. Improved tenement homes for American cities,

G. A. Weber, Municipal Affairs, D. Ideals : The value of an ideal, Helen Alex. Dallas,

EcR., O. Immigration: Immigration, hard times, and the

veto, John Chetwood, A., D.

  • L'immigrazione negli StatiUniti,

RIS..N. (AJS., N.) India: The case for the Bechuana rebels, H. R.<F.

Bourne, FR., N. Elements of unrest in India. Asiatic Quart. Rev.,


See also Finance. Individualism: Das Recht des Individualismus,

Johannes Volkelt, ZPK., N. Injunction: Government by injunction, W. H.

Dunbar, LQR., O.

Institutional Churches: New methods of social & church work in England, E. R. Barrett, Open Church, O. The new era of church work in Boston, W. T.

Ellis, Open Church, O.

Insurance: L'influence de 1'assurance ouvriere sur 1'assistance publique, Maurice Block, RPP., Ja. Prevoyance et solidarite, Hector Depasse, P.R.,

O. 10.

Die Statistik der Unfall-Invaliditats-, Alters- u. Krankenversicherung im Deutschen Reich . . . 1895, Ernst Lange, ASG., n :a. Old-age pensions without state aid, John Mar-

tinau, ChOR., D.

La question de 1'excedent et le regime legal

applique aux cpmpagnies etrangeres d'assu-

rances sur la vie, Eugene Rochetin, JEc., D.

La jurisprudence de 1'assurance sur la vie et la

quotite disponible, Thaller, RefS., D. 15. Intemperance : see Liquor Question. Italy: see Finance. International Law: International law, J. E. R.

Stephens, ALRR., N. Iron : Future supremacy in the iron markets of the

world. J. S. Jeans, EM., N. Jersey, Isle of: A paradise of good government

MaxO'Rell.NAR., fa. Jewish Question: The Jewish workman, J. A.

Dyche, CoR., Ja.

Europe & the Jews, Arnold White, CoR., N. Jury: Des origines, de 1'evolution et de 1'avenir

du jury, Raoult de la Grasserie, RSS.j O. Labor: Les patronnes, employees et ouvrieres de 1'habillement a Paris, leur situation morale et materielle, Aine, RefS.. Ja. i. Die amerikanische Arbeitsstatistik, E. W. Bemis,

ASG., 11:3- Lines of industrial conflict, Helen Bosanquet,

EcR., D.

Le congres international de Zurich pour la pro- tection ouvriere, Oscar Rapin, ReS., O. Die Arbeitslosenfrage im Lichte der englischen

Erfahrung. Hans von Rostitz, JGV., 20:4. Die Streitfrage der Abkurzung der Arbeitszeit im Handel sgewerbe, Von Rottenburg, JGV. 20: 3.

Exports & wages, Jacob Schoenhof, F., Ja.

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