- Macdonald, William. Select documents illustra-
tive of the history of the U. S. (1776-1861). N. Y., Macmillan Co. 465 PP. 8vo. $2.
JSutlook, F. 5-H-) Nation, V. 24 + + ) JPE.,Mr.+ +) an, A. T. The interest of America in sea power, present and future. B., Little, Brown & Co., 1807. 314 pp. lamo. $9. (Athenzum, Ja. i + + -) (Outlook.J.. i +-) (RRN., Ja. X) (Critic, Ja. a + )
Meyer, E. H. Deutsche Volkskunde. Mit 340 Text-Abbildgn. . . . Strassburg, K. T. Triib- ner, 1897. 363 pp. 8vo. M. 6.50. Michael, Wolfgang. Englische Geschichte im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Hamburg, Leopold Voss, 1896. (EHR..J1. +) (RH., F. p.
Michefet, J. CEuvres completes. Histpire de la Revolution franchise. Edition definitive, revue et corrigee. P., libr. Flammarkm. T. a & 3. 8vo.
Montanari, Ant. Lezioni sulla filosofia della storia che precedono lo studio comparativo delle tre grand civilta mondiali. Bologna, Nicola Zani- chelli. 465 pp. 8vo. L. 8.
Monumenta Germanise historica. . . . Legtim secto i. Capitularia regum Francorum. . . . Tom! 2, pars 3. Hannover, Hahn. M. 12.
Motley, J. L. Rise of the Dutch Republic: the student's Motley; condensed with introd. & notes & an historical sketch of the Dutch people from 1584-1897 by W. E. Griffis. N. Y., Har- per & Bros. 943 pp. 8vo. $1.75.
Mueller, D. von. Deutsche Erbfehler u. ihr Kinrluss auf die Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. Basel, J. C. jPerthes. 376 pp. 8vo. M. 6.
Musick, J. R. Hawaii our new possessions : an account of travel & adventure, with sketches of the scenery, customs & manners, . . . with border decorations & pen sketches. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1808. 524 pp. 8vo. $2.75-
New England's plantation ; or a short & true de- scription of the commodities and discommodi- ties of that country, written by a reverend divine now there resident. London, 1630. Re- printed by G. P. Humphrey. 15 pp. 8vo. $0.25. (Am. colonial tracts, no. n.)
Oman, C. A history of England. In 3 div. Div. i : From the earliest times to A. D. 1307. Div. 2: From 1307-1688. Div. *: From 1688-1885. L., Edwin Arnold. 8vo. S. 2 ea.
Pariset, Georges. L'ctat & les cglises en Pnisse sous Frcdcric-Guillaume I (1713-40). Paris, Colin ft Cie., 1897. gSqpp. 8vo. (LC.. Ag. 21 + -) (AHRTja.+ + -) (R&C O.
Pausanius' description of Greece, tr. with a com- mentary by J. G. Frazer. L., Macmillan Co. 6 v. 8vo. (Athenaeum, Mr. 26 r- -f )
Perkins, I. B. France under Louis XV. Bost., Houehton. Mifflin ft Co., 1897. a v. O. $4. -n. Mr. 10, p. 188 + + ) (AHR.,Ap. )
Plehn, Hans. Der politische Character von Matheus Parisiensic . . . Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 136 pp. 8vo. M. 3.60. (LC., Jl. 31) (DU, F. 26)
Powell, E. P. Nullification & secession in the United States. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, t897- 46i pp. $2. (PSQ.,Mr.+ +) (AHR M Ap. )
Politische Correspondent Friedrirhs des Grossen. Br., A Duncker, 1897. 94. Bd. 435 pp. 8vo.
Pollard/ H. F., ed. Political pamphlet., scl. &
arr. by A. F. Pollard. . . N. Y., imp. by H.
&3!i 34S " mo - *'"
Powers, G. W. England & the Reformation
1485-1603. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 143
pp. i6mo. $0.50. (Oxford Manual of English
history.) Prutz, Hans. Aus des grosses Kurfiirsten letzten
Jahren. Zur Geschichte seines Hauses u.
Hofes, seiner Regierg. u. Politik. Br., G.
Reimer. 410 pp. 8vo. M. 7. Prutz, Hans. Storia degl i stati mediacvali. Disp.
36, 37. 38, & 39- Milano, Societa edi trice
fibraria, 1897. 8vo. L. i il fasc. Publikationen aus den konigl. preuss. Staatsar-
chiven. veranlasst und unterstiitzt durch die
konigl. Archiv-Verwaltung. 69. u. 70. Bd.
Lp., 5. Hirzel. 959 pp. 8vo. M. 26. Quellen u. Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven
u. Bibliotheken, hrsg. vom konigl. preuss. hi-
stor. Institut in Rom. Rom, Loescher ft Co.,
1897. 164 pp. M. 10. Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte. Lirteratur
und Sprache Oesterreichs u. seiner Kronlander.
Durch die Leo-Gesellschaft hrsg. v. J. Him
u. J. E. Wackeniell. 5 Bd. 533 pp. 8vo.
M. 9. Redmond, J. E. Historical & political addresses,
1883-97. L., Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 398 pp.
8vo. S. 5. Renouver, C. Philosophic analytiaue de 1'histoire :
les idees, les religions, les systemes. T. 4. P.,
libr. Leroux. 794 pp. 8vo. Richter, Gust. Annalen der deut. Gesch. im Mit-
telalter. 3. Abtlg. Annalen des deutschen
Reichs im Zeitalter Ottonen u. Salier. 2. Bd.
782 pp. 8vo. M. 16. Robidou, Bertrand. Histoire du clerge* pendant la
Revolution franchise. P., Calmann-Lcvy
(1889). a v. 451 & 449 pp. 8vo. F. 15. Royal historical society's transactions. L. & N. Y.,
Longmans, Green & Co., 1897. Vol. 11. 8vo.
S. 21.
- Ruhl, Franz. Chronologic des Mittelalters u.
Neuzeit. Br., Reuther & Reichard, 1897.
(EHR.,Ja. -f-f) (LC..D. 11 -f + Schulthess europaischer Geschichtskalender. N.
F. 13. Jahrg. 1897. Munchen, C. H. Beck. M. 8.
Sergeant, L. The Franks from their origin as a confederacy to the establishment of the king- dom of France & the German empire. N. Y.,
G. P. Putnam's. 364 pp. 8vo. $1.50. (Story of the Nations.)
Smith, G. B. Colonization in the United States, from the earliest times to the landing of the Piljjrim fathers. N. V., Dodd, Mead ft Co., 1897. 8vo. $1.50.
Smith, T. C. The liberty and free soil parties In the Northwest. Toppan prize essay of 1896. Longmans, Green & Co., 1897. 351 pp. 8vo. (Harvard historical studies, no. 6.) (Out- look, F. 26 -(--(-)
Soulier, H. Des origines et de l'e"tat social de la nation fttnCaJce. P.. Giard & Bricre. 594 pp. 8vo. F. 10. (RIS.,)a. -f--) (RPP.,J.X)
Spears, I. R. History ol our navy from it* origin to the present day, 1775-1897, with ... 400 ill. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 4 vols. ittno.
Stern, *Alfr. Geschichte Europas seit den Ver- tragen v. 1815 bis 7tim riankfiuirr Frieden 1871. 2. Bd. Hr.,Be*ser. ;rpp.8vo M.o.
Storia politics d'ltalia, ncritta da una vodeta di ptolessori. Vol. t. far. t 3 -o. Milano, dp. Francesco Vallordi, 1897. Pp. 241-40