Edmond, be 870; Durkheim, Emile, be 418,
464-78, 552, 558, 700, 712, 848, 849; br 714;
Dlismg, C., 32, 33, 37; Duvivier, Ulnck, be 717;
Dyer, G. H., be 132; Dyke, mb 103. EASTERN QUESTION : Social question in the East,
ab 125; [ac 135, 428; be 421]. Eastman, F. M., bcZ-j\; Eastmann,
Ede, W. M., bs 573.
EDUCATION: public school & compulsory educa- tion, programme & bibliography, mb 107. 108; Sociological instruction at Paris,, a 206-15; The Gill School City, ab 410; Place of the polit- ical & social sciences in modern education, ab 710; moral, 824; [ac 135, 428, 723, 878; be 130- 33, 418, 714,719, 870]; (see also Populism).
Edwards, C., be 721; Edwards, Milne, 49; Emin Efendi, Mehemed, br 425; Eggleston, E., be 130; Ego, Adam, be 719.
Egypt: [be 130, 131, 421,871].
Ehrenberg, Richard, br 715; Ehrenreich, Paul, br 869; Eichtal, Ed., fie 132; Eimer, Manifr., be 715.
ELECTIONS: [ac 135, 723, 878]; (see also Nomina- tions).
ELECTRICITY: [ac 135, 723; be 716'].
Eleuthepopulos, Abr., be 419; Eliot, C. N., 265; Eliot, George, 65; Eliot, C. W., br 719; Ellis, Havelock, 32, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55; mb 256; bs 573; be 715, 774, 870.
ELMIRA REFORMATORY; Character building at Elmira, a 577-600.
Elster, Ludw., be 423; Ely, R. T., mb 106, 107, 205, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254; ab 270; & s 573i 5755 Emerson, Edwin, be iy>; Emerson, R. W., 154, 450, 505; Emery, H. C., br 422.
EMPLOYMENT Agencies: [ac 42%}.
Encyclopadische Jahrbiicher, be 718; encyclope- dic des assurances, be 721.
Engel. A., be 871.
Englehardt, Ed., br 131, 421.
Ennery. Mile. A. d', ^875.
EPILEPTICS: see Defectives.
EQUALITY: economic, 116; influences making for, 244; sophisms of, 555; [ac 428, c 423],
Escott, T. H. S., be 715; Esquirol, 467.
Etat des communes, br 719.
ETHICS: appealed to to prevent revolution, 119; Genesis of the ethical self, ab 126; limitations of, 827; [ac 135, 425, 878; be 134, 418, 714, 870]; (see also Criminology & penology).
Ethisch-socialwissenscnafthche Vortragskurse, be 419-
ETHNOGRAPHY : " History of mankind," b 702.
ETHNOLOGY : individuals and, 41; genius and, 274; Hierarchy of European races, a 314-27; bib- liography of recent writings on, 315; races di- vided into Homo Alpinus & Homo Europaeus, 316; comparison of the two as to wealth, 318, 319; as to social stratification, 319, 320; as to domicile & migration, 320; superiority of Homo Europaeus, 321; comparison of H. E. with Medi- terranean race, 323-5; comparisons as to resi- dents of country and city, 325; suicide and, 467; Studies in anthropo-sociology, ab 706; compari- son of Homo Europaeus with Homo Alpinus, 706; [ac 135, 428, 723.878; be 129, 417, 869].
Etudes, br 715; Etude, be 72.
Eula, D. C., be 714; Euler, Ferd., be 713.
EUROPE: states of, and their areas, 302, 306, 310; Alberoni's plan for federation of, 308; Caprivi on common interests of, 308; races of, 316-27; [ac 135, 723; be 130-32, 420, 421, 423, 872].
Evelin, br 870; Evert, Geo., be 716, or 874.
EVOLUTION; social vs. animal, 118; nutrition and, 270; "Evolution regressive en biologic et en sociolpgie," b 408; Natural selection, social selection, heredity, ab 313; Utilitarian eco- nomics, a 520-36; origin of feelings of pleasure and pain, 520-21; justification of economic view
of feeling, 522; pessimism and optimism at present, 523; origin of, 526-7; malism. 524; law of self-preservation, 526, 550; function of feeling, 528, 531; origin & function of reason, 529; results on animals, 525; on men, 526; Ulti- mate law of social evolution, ab 711; compari- son of theories of various writers, 711; [ac 135, 428, 723, 878; be 129, 417].
FACTORIES : origin and growth of in U. S., 183-6.
FACTORY INSPECTION: list of states having, 144; Inspection of labor in France, ab 551; [ac 428, 7235^716]; (see also Child labor).
FACTORY LEGISLATION : lack of uniformity, 490.
FACTORY SYSTEM : origin of, 278.
Facts about Motne Carlo, be 720; Faggi, A., t>cS 7 s; Fairchild, E. M., bs 573; Fairchild, G. T., a 392-404; Fairchild, M. S., bs 573; Falke, Rob., Ic7i8.
FAMILY: programme and bibliography, mb 102; Disorganization of the family and its social con- sequences, ab 416; "Report of the national league for the protection of the family," b 705; [ac 135, 428, 723,878; be 130, 715, 870]; (see also Domestic service).
Family budgets, br 130; Farr, W., 54, mb 101; Farrar, F. W., be 132; Faure, Andre, be 715; Faure, Fernand, ab 123; Fawcett, Henry, bs 573; Fechtner, Ed., be 714.
Federation of churches in N. Y. city, 790.
FEELING: is the moving social force, 329; origin & purpose of, 528.
Fell, L. T., 139; Fenwick, 51; Ferrari, 315; Ferrero, Gug., 45, 52, 57, ab 555; be 870; Ferri, mb 257; Ferri, Enrico, br 418, 424; OS 573; Ferriani, C. L., 7-129; Ferry, Jules, be 423; Fiir Feste, be 713; Fiamingo, G., ab 274; Fichte, J. G., be 714.
FINANCE: money in the Junior Republic, 287; [ac 135, 428. 723, 878; be 130, 132,419, 715, 871].
Findlay, J. J., c4i8; Finley, tub 249; Fischer, Ernest, be 424; Fisher, Irving, br 422, 717; Fisher, S. G., br 132,423; be 715; Fisk, G. M., br 420, 872; Fiske, John, mb 248; br 871; Fison, 758; Fitch, J. G., be 418; br 714; Flora, Federico, br 133.
FLORENCE: [be 130],
Florian, Eug., be 417.
Flower, B. O., 395; Flynt, Joshua, mb 105; Folk Homer, 793; Follett, M. P., br 132, 423; Fontaine, Arthur, 213; br 421.
FOOD: effect on birth, sex, growth, etc., 32-9; [ac 428, 723].
Ford, P. L., br 420; Forecasts, br 718; Forrest, J. D., a 343-7; Foster, Roger, br 423; Fouillee, Alfred, br 425, 701; Fournier, Abbe, be 719; Fourmere, 214.
FRANCE: insight of, into geographical situations, 455; [ac 135, 428, 723; be 130, 132, 133, 420, 422, 423,424, 715, 720,871, -872, 873, 874, 875].
Francke, Kuno, br 721; Frangois, G., br 130; Frank, Richard, be 418; Frankenstein, Kuno, 268, br 421; Frankland, br 869; Frazer, R. W., br 715; Fremantle, mb 107.
FRENCH REVOLUTION: [be 131, 419, 420, 715, 871].
Freund, Geo., be 133; Freund, Rich., ~bc 421; Frez/ini, Lu., be 423; Friedjung, Heinr , be 872; Friedlieb, J. H., be 423.
Froebel, 578; Froelich, J., be 425; Fry, Elizabeth, ^572; Fry, H., ^869; Funck-Brentano, 211; Funk-Brentano, Th., or 425.
FUTURES: [ac 135].
Qaede, Udo: be 872; Gaeta, A., be 132; Gage, L. T., 372; Gairal, Frangois, br 131; Gallon, F. W., bs 573; br 716; Gannett, Henry, 90-92.
GARBAGE: [ac 135, 724].
Garcia y Soriano, D. R. C., br 418; Gardiner,
S. R., be 130; brtzo, 872; Garibaldi, 236.